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All of us at Choosing Therapy are working hard to delivery you the highest quality mental health content on the web, and we want to hear from you.

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If you have you have thoughts on how to improve the content or suggestions for subjects we should be devoting more time to, let us know.

To suggest corrections to an article, please email: [email protected]

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If you’d like to join us as a writer, please read more about our requirements and fill out an application here.

If you’d like to review our editorial policy, you can find it here.

Media Inquiries

If you’re a member of the media or press responsible for cover mental and behavioral health, mental wellness, relationships, psychology, or telemedicine, our team of licensed professionals would be happy to lend their insight and expertise.

You can learn more about Choosing Therapy’s mission and team here.

For all media inquiries, please email: [email protected]

General Information

For all other inquires, please email us at: [email protected]

Choosing Therapy Inc
159 20th St
Suite 1B-56,
Brooklyn, NY 11232

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This content was last updated 5.14.2020 by the Choosing Therapy team.