Write for Choosing Therapy
Choosing Therapy’s clinical content is written by licensed therapists or medical professionals, edited by our staff editors, and the medically reviewed prior to publication. If you’re a licensed therapist or medical professional and interested in working with professional editorial and SEO teams to get your insight and expertise in front of a larger audience, please fill out an application here.
Choosing Therapy is also building a platform for publishing personal stories of living with mental and behavioral health issues, relationship struggles, and parenting challenges. You can learn more about contributing to Choosing Therapy’s “My Story” here.
Why Should I Write for ChoosingTherapy.com?
- Reach New Clients
- Gain Recognition as an Expert
- Get Quoted in the Media
- It’s Free to Contribute
Have a question? Contact Editorial (at) ChoosingTherapy (dot) com
Reach New Clients
There are over one billion Google searches for mental and behavioral health topics per year. Each of those searches represents a person who is asking an important question and seeking reliable information as they consider their next steps. By writing for Choosing Therapy, you will potentially have thousands of people reading your article. Prominently featured on the top of your articles, will be your name, photo, and link to your bio. (Example Author Bio)
Gain Recognition as an Expert
Establishing oneself as an expert in a particular area, such as CBT or co-parenting, is very difficult. You can establish your credentials as an expert by writing for respected online publications like ChoosingTherapy.com.
Get Quoted in Media and News Publications
Choosing Therapy is known for having expert therapists and psychiatrists available to comment on stories and lend insights for articles that journalists on working on. We love pairing journalists with mental health professionals who have the right personal and professional experience to add value to their stories. As a writer for Choosing Therapy, you’ll be able to participate in these opportunities. Experts from Choosing Therapy have appeared in hundreds of articles, podcasts, and TV segments.
It’s Free to Contribute
Choosing Therapy does not charge for publishing articles. Articles will be accepted or rejected for publication based on adherence to our editorial standards.
How Does Writing for Choosing Therapy Work?
Apply to become a contributing writer: As part of the application process, we will be collecting information about you, which will be used to create your bio. (Should you want to update the bio later, you can.)
Schedule a video interview with an editor: Our editors will discuss the writing process in more detail and be happy to answer any of your questions.
Sign a contract: Unfortunately, Google doesn’t like having the same article appear on multiple websites. Our contracts make clear that you’re giving us the copyright to the articles you write for us and that you will not use AI tools to write your content.
Select a first article from available topics: We provide a list of article topics to prevent multiple therapists from writing on the same topic. Should the topic that you want to write about not appear on the list, please email us the request.
Submit the article: Once you choose an article topic, you will typically have 1 to 4 weeks to write and submit the article. Please note, we require that all articles include supporting citations and footnotes in the APA format.
The article is edited and medically reviewed: The editor will check to make sure the article is properly formatted and covers the relevant information. The medical reviewer ensures that any medical information provided in the article is accurate. If for any reason, we are not able to accept the article for publication, we will return the article to you and release you to publish the article on another website.
Choosing Therapy publishes and promotes the article: Choosing Therapy employs digital marketing that promotes your article to ensure it reaches any many people as possible.
How to Apply to Be a Contributing Writer?
To contribute to Choosing Therapy, you must be a licensed mental health or medical professional, such as an LCSW, LPC, LMHC, MD, DO, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or pharmacist. You don’t have to be a “published author.”
To contribute you will need to agree to the following:
Follow our editorial policy.
Do not use AI tools to generate your content. The content on ChoosingTherapy.com is written by humans who are licensed mental health or medical professionals.
Write in-depth, well researched articles. Our articles tend to be 1,500 – 3,500 words in length and typically require 5-15 citations in APA format.
Provide us exclusive rights to publish the article(s) you submit. Articles cannot be previously published or republished, even on personal websites or blogs.
Have a question? Contact us at: Editorial (at) ChoosingTherapy (dot) com
Our Mission
Choosing Therapy’s mission is to deliver accurate information about mental and behavioral health topics to our audience so that they can make better, more informed decisions about their mental and behavioral health care.
Our Audience
Choosing Therapy’s audience is made up of people who are new to mental and behavioral health topics. Many people reading our content will be experiencing a mental or behavioral health disorder personally or experiencing some other distress. Many others will be the family, friends, and community supporting those living with a mental or behavioral health disorder.
Our audience is smart, they are motivated, and they are asking questions with the goal of improving their lives.
Our Content
Choosing Therapy’s content is practical, informational, and actionable. We cover a wide variety of topics for broad and niche audiences alike, however those topics tend to be evergreen rather than topical. In other words, we want to answer the questions people ask every day when considering their own mental health or the mental health of a loved one.
In general, we do not cover current events. Also, we are not a scientific journal and therefore are generally not publishing peer-reviewed, cutting-edge research.
This content was last updated 3.18.2023 by the Choosing Therapy team.