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Teen Mental Health Resources & Articles

The frequency of reported teen mental health issues has been steadily increasing over the years. Both teens and parents should feel equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to help combat this phenomenon. Whether you’re a teen or a parent, below you’ll find a host of resources and articles that can help teens get the help they need.

How to help Your Teen Make friends Advice From an Expert

How to Help Your Teen Make Friends: Advice From an Expert

Parents can help teens make friends by teaching them effective communication and helping them sharpen their social skills.

by: Jennifer Lytle, LMFT
Hypnosis for Kids & Teens

Hypnosis For Kids & Teens: How It Works, Examples, & Effectiveness

While hypnosis is recognized as an effective treatment for adults, recent studies have shown that hypnosis and hypnotherapy for children, teens, and young adults may also be beneficial. Hypnosis for kids may help alleviate anxiety symptoms, chronic pain, or other mental health concerns.

by: Chris Lemig, CHT

Types of Therapy for Teens

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

CBT explores how our preconceived notions and environment shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The goal of CBT is to help teens learn to recognize irrational thought patterns that lead to negative behavioral outcomes to construct new, healthy alternatives.

DBT teaches teens skills to help them cope with challenges, including mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.

ACT focuses on embracing distressful emotions, experiences, or thoughts while creating healthy changes.

Books for Coping With Anxiety as a Teen

Yes I Have Anxiety: Deal. With. It. By Nicole Stephan
Yes I Have Anxiety: Deal. With. It.

Yes, I Have Anxiety: Deal. With. It. is full of activities and creative prompts to help redirect anxious thoughts.

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?, by Dr. Julie Smith
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? offers everyday tips and tools to help teens deal with the ups and downs, including anxiety.

Read More About Teens & Adolescents