Anger Management Classes Online Scoring Criteria
Online anger management classes can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, which makes them a great option for anyone required to take them for court-ordered requirements, at the request of an employer, or for personal development. There are many companies that currently offer anger management online classes, which is why we wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs and provide honest and unbiased perspectives for consumers.
Below you’ll find a list of our anger management online class scoring criteria, which includes the key features of an exceptional program. You’ll also see a breakdown of how each category is scored in our star-rating system.
Court Orders or Employer Requirements
Most individuals seeking online anger management classes are doing so at the request of the courts or their employers. Any company that provides an educational platform for anger management programs should design its curriculum to meet general court orders and human resource standards. Companies that follow recommendations and guidelines set by the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) will score higher in this category.
Star Ratings for Court Orders or Employer Requirements
5-Stars- The company guarantees that its curriculum is accepted by courts and human resource departments nationwide. They will provide a full refund to participants whose certificates of completion are not accepted by courts, probation officers, social workers, employers, or any other entity that requested their participation in anger management education.
3-Stars- The company’s program meets some state and human resource requirements, but it’s not accepted nationwide. They do not offer guarantees or refunds.
1-Star- The majority of states and human resource departments will not accept this program as a legitimate anger management course.
Certificates of Completion
An ideal anger management training company will be able to deliver certificates of completion securely and efficiently. The certificate of completion is an official document that proves an individual has successfully finished the anger management course. It is vital that all companies have a system in place that allows participants to receive downloadable or mailed copies of certificates of completion in a reasonable timeframe after finishing the program.
Star Ratings for Certificates of Completion
5-Stars- The company guarantees that a certificate of completion will be provided upon successfully finishing the course. You can choose to download and print the certificate, or the company will deliver it by mail in 1-2 business days.
3-Stars- The company offers certificates of completion, but there is no reliable delivery system in place. Participants have to place a request for a certificate, there is no option to download a copy, and/or it takes 3-5 business days to receive the document.
1-Star- The company does not provide a certificate of completion.
Quality of Content
While it’s important to ensure that a program is accepted by the courts, it’s just as important to have high-quality content that features relevant and current anger management training materials for an enhanced online learning experience. The ideal curriculum will be designed by certified anger management experts and include evidence-based anger management techniques and strategies.
Star Ratings for Quality of Content
5-Stars- The anger management course curriculum was designed by certified anger management professionals and includes evidence-based techniques and strategies. The materials include relevant and current applications of anger management education.
3-Stars- The anger management course was designed by experts, but the class material is drawn from outdated anger management texts or theories.
1-Star- The anger management course was not developed by experts. The course materials are not evidence-based and/or outdated.
The cost of an anger management course should directly reflect the value of the program and be clearly listed on the website. Participants should not face any hidden fees or charges. We’re also checking for reports or complaints online of users being unfairly charged by the company. Any business that is not transparent about the prices of courses or has unreasonable costs that do not reflect the value of the program will score lower in this category. Overall, we want to ensure you’re getting what you paid for.
Star Ratings for Cost
5-Stars- The cost of the program directly reflects the value, and there are no hidden fees. There is no evidence of online complaints of users being unfairly charged.
3-Stars- The cost of the program seems to reflect the value, but course prices aren’t initially clear. There have been a few online complaints of users being unfairly charged.
1-Star- The cost of the program does not reflect the value; there are hidden fees and several complaints online of users being unfairly charged.
Additional Resources
An ideal anger management education company will offer additional resources to enhance a user’s learning experience. This may come in the form of free workbooks, self-assessments, options to connect with a therapist, or additional court-ordered or personal development courses covering topics like parenting, nutrition, drugs and alcohol, or domestic violence. Companies providing supplement tools and services will score higher in this category.
Star Ratings for Additional Resources
5-Stars- The company provides a few additional resources that enhance the learning experience.
3-Stars- The company provides at least one additional resource that enhances the learning experience.
1-Star- There are no additional resources offered.
Reliability & Legitimacy
One of the most important objectives of the rating and reviewing process is identifying which businesses are reliable and legitimate. We want to ensure that consumers are registering for real courses created by legitimate businesses with transparent terms and conditions. Clients should be able to contact the company to address any questions or concerns. Company websites that have broken links, no working contact numbers or emails, or no visible terms of use will score lower in this category.
Star Rating for Reliability & Legitimacy
5-Stars- The company is a reliable and legitimate business. Its website and learning platform is fully functional, the terms and conditions of the program are clearly listed, and there is a working contact phone/email in case of questions or concerns.
3-Stars- The company is reliable and legitimate, and it has a functioning website with terms and conditions, but there is no way to contact the company for questions or concerns.
1-Star- The company is not a reliable or legitimate business. The website does not include functioning contact information and/or has broken links.
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This content was last updated 1/24/2023 by the Choosing Therapy team.