Coping Skills for OCD: 6 Types & How to Use Them
Obsessions and compulsions can be disruptive to a person’s daily functioning, so finding effective ways of coping and managing symptoms of OCD is necessary for a person to gain control of their life again.
October 18, 2023 Depression & Eating Disorders: Are They Related?
Eating disorders can cause depression because malnutrition impacts the brain, and eating disorders involve a lot of shame, which can trigger depression.
May 1, 2024 Focused Meditation: What It Is, Benefits, & How to Practice It
Focused attention meditation (or FAM) is a type of mindful meditation that involves focusing on one thing as a way of staying present. The purpose is to quiet the mind and come into the present. In focused meditation, the practitioner focuses on a statement or mantra, a visualization, a sound, or another sensory focus.
May 12, 2023 Is OCD an Anxiety Disorder? How to Tell the Difference
OCD and anxiety share overlapping clinical symptoms but are diagnostically distinguishable conditions. Differences between OCD and anxiety include various symptoms, thought patterns, and behaviors. Recognizing these dissimilarities can guide choices and goals for treatment.
January 17, 2024