Hailey Shafir is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Supervisor (LCMHC & LCMHCS), Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist (LCAS), and Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS) working out of Raleigh, NC. She has a Bachelors’s degree from UNC Asheville in Sociology and a Masters’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M. Ed) from NC State University.
Hailey has almost a decade of experience as a licensed counselor, as well as an additional five years of professional experience working in the field of human services and mental healthcare. She has worked as a clinician, clinical supervisor, and clinical director, and has helped to develop, oversee, and maintain several programs for adults, children, and families with addiction and mental health disorders. She currently provides online counseling to individuals through her private practice, Keep Counsel.
She is a board-approved supervisor for newly licensed counselors in NC, including being certified to provide supervision for addiction counselors. She regularly provides clinical training to graduate students at local universities, including NC State University, as well as to agencies, non-profit organizations, and nationally recognized institutions like the Center for Family Based Training.
She is the owner of Therapeutics, a company that designs and develops tools and resources for counselors, including the Plan-it Therapy product line she developed as a treatment planning tool for clinicians. She is working on becoming an accredited trainer to provide high-quality continuing education under her new company, Therapy Cred, in the near future. She also owns Indywind, a small art business that sells art to help people manifest the life they want.
In addition to writing for ChoosingTherapy.com, Hailey Shafir’s expertise has been featured in The National Drug Helpline, Impulsivity.com, Addictions.com, Substanceabuse.com Rehab Adviser, Mindflower Group, Social Pro, Mel magazine, Vice Magazine, Insiderhook, and Psychcentral.
M. Ed., Clinical Mental Health Counseling, North Carolina State University
B.A., Sociology, University of North Carolina at Asheville