Marijuana detox is the process of removing cannabis from the body. It consists of abstinence from marijuana, potential withdrawal symptoms, and seeking support and guidance in the process. Though some withdrawal symptoms can be difficult, it is worth it for those whose lives have been negatively impacted by regular marijuana use. There are a variety of methods by which one can detox, and being informed will help in choosing the right path to sobriety.
What Is Marijuana (Weed) Detox?
Marijuana detox is a process of reducing and eventually refraining from the use of marijuana in an effort to remain abstinent from the substance. There are many reasons one might choose to eliminate marijuana use, including increased memory function, improved focus, heart and respiratory health, and many others. Detoxing from any substance may improve the quality and function of life.
Individuals who meet the criteria for marijuana use disorder, or who have developed a dependency on marijuana, may need to seek medical assistance in the detox process. For others who are less dependent and use THC (a psychoactive chemical in marijuana) intermittently, detox may be executed successfully at home. To determine which type of detox would be necessary, it is recommended to consult with a professional.
Whether seeking medical and professional help, or completing a detox on your own, the main objectives of detoxing from marijuana are to refrain from use and to improve life functioning. Marijuana dependence can impact a person’s life negatively, in areas such as social, physical, occupational, and relational.1 Marijuana detox is completed in an effort to bring balance to those areas in a healthy manner.
Cannabis & Its Effects on the Body
Cannabis, another name for marijuana, is derived from the hemp plant. The two main compounds, THC and CBD, are both cannabinoids and are found to have effects on the brain and the body. THC, specifically delta 8 and delta 9, are found to have psychoactive effects, while CBD actively impacts the brain and body without psychoactive effects.2 CBD is often used medicinally and can be used to treat a wide variety of issues, from anxiety to epilepsy.
There are a number of factors that influence how cannabis affects the body. The age of first use, the longevity of use, the frequency of use, and the potency of the substance all play a role in
determining the impact on the body. Lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, as well as a person’s individual metabolism, will dictate how cannabis metabolizes and impacts the body.
Common effects of cannabis on the body include:
- Impaired thinking
- Memory issues
- Difficulty focusing
- Delays in response time
- Mood changes
- Decreased body movements
- Increased senses
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Research shows that marijuana can be addictive have effects on both the brain and the body. According to the CDC, studies approximate that 3 out of 10 marijuana users will develop a marijuana use disorder.3 Furthermore, the risk of developing a marijuana use disorder is greater in those individuals who use more frequently and who started at an earlier age.3
Benefits of Weed Detox
There are many benefits to detoxing from marijuana, both mentally and physically. Marijuana can have impacts on the brain, including memory function, learning and retention, emotional regulation, response time, and decision-making abilities.4 Detoxing from marijuana will improve brain functionality and restore attention and focus, regulatory emotional responses, retention of information, and response time to stimuli.
Not only is detoxing from weed beneficial for our brains, it is great for our bodies, too. Marijuana use can have a large impact on the body, including breathing problems, increased heart rate, and nausea.5 Additionally, the method of consumption, such as smoking or vaping, can have negative effects on the heart. Detoxing from weed can reduce these symptoms and improve overall physical health.
Challenges of Weed Detox
As with any detox, there can be challenges when eliminating marijuana use. As marijuana affects both the brain and the body, a person may experience symptoms related to both. These can include mood dysregulation, anxiety, depression, and cravings. From a physical standpoint, one may experience sleep problems, decreased appetite, sweating, nausea, and headaches.5 The greatest risk in the marijuana detox process is relapse.
To note, the severity of the detox process is dependent on a multitude of factors. Length of use, frequency of use, as well as the amount used, can all impact the detox process. To ensure safety, it is recommended to consult with a substance use or medical professional. This will help in determining what type of detox would be recommended.
How to Detox From Weed
The general process of detoxing from marijuana begins with cessation of use. Marijuana naturally metabolizes in the body through the liver, which then enters the bloodstream and is carried to the brain, releasing psychoactive effects.7 The body then eliminates these chemicals through urination and defecation. When use stops, the process of metabolization stops as well.
There are many factors that influence this process. Each individual’s metabolism plays a part in how long the chemicals remain within the body. Lifestyle choices including exercise regimen, dietary habits, and water consumption, play a part in this as well. Additionally, how long a person has been using marijuana, how regularly it is used, and how much they are using all play a role in the detox process.
Duration of Weed Detox
The duration of a marijuana detox varies. However, the estimated timeline is approximately three weeks. The initial onset of withdrawal symptoms begins between 24-48 hours after cessation of use.6 Most commonly, a peak in symptoms occurs between the two and six-day mark. Most acute symptoms resolve within three weeks.
Withdrawal Symptoms
As with any detox, there are a variety of withdrawal symptoms that accompany this process. Many withdrawal symptoms can include both physical and mental disturbances. When withdrawal symptoms are severe, it is important to consult with a trained professional to ensure safety during this process. Weed withdrawal is a possibility during detox.
Common withdrawal symptoms of weed detox include:
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Sleep disturbances
- Increased dream activity
- Decreased appetite
- Restlessness
- Irritability
Methods of Weed Detox
There are a variety of methods in order to detox from marijuana. These can include natural detox methods, to medically supervised detox programs. Reflecting on length, frequency, and potency when determining what type of detox can point you in the right direction. There are pros and cons to different approaches, and it is important to be informed when choosing what is best for you.
Natural methods, or those without medical or professional supervision, can be very useful as a detox plan. The benefits of going with a natural detox include less time constraints, less medication introduced to the body, and an overall focus on holistic well-being. However, a natural method is less effective in treating severe withdrawal symptoms than a medically supervised detox.
Medically supervised detox programs are another option when coming off of marijuana. The benefits of this type of detox include more support from medical and clinical staff, comfort medications to assist in the detox process, and clinical support to manage emotional symptoms. Due to the structure of medically supervised detoxes, time and financial cost can present as potential barriers.
Natural Detox Methods
Natural detox methods can be very beneficial for individuals who are attempting to refrain from marijuana use in a more holistic manner. These methods can include staying hydrated, exercising, and making dietary changes to support overall well-being. These aid in the natural detoxification process by releasing essential endorphins, providing appropriate nutrition, and flushing out the body through hydration. Marijuana is stored in the body’s fat cells, therefore, promoting overall well-being will assist in removing this chemical from the body.
Medically Supervised Detox
Medically supervised detox can range from outpatient supervision to inpatient detoxification treatment. One can complete a medically supervised detox at home, under the direction of a medical professional. This would include taking medications to treat certain withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and sleep issues, and reporting back to the medical provider regularly.
Inpatient detoxification treatment requires an individual to remain in the hospital setting while going through the detox process. Most detox programs take a multidisciplinary approach to treating individuals, including medical, nursing, and clinical intervention. This would include daily monitoring of vitals and symptoms, medication management, and clinical support and therapeutic intervention.
Preparing for a Weed Detox
One of the best steps to take prior to detoxing is to create a comprehensive plan. It would be beneficial to identify a specific date of when to stop using marijuana. A supportive environment is key when attempting to make a life change, so developing an environment that promotes well-being and abstinence will go a long way. As previously discussed, withdrawal symptoms will arise in this process, so ensuring that a plan is in place to manage these symptoms will lead to success.
Tips for preparing for weed detox include:
- Remove all marijuana from your home: Cravings are a part of any detox process. Removing any marijuana or paraphernalia from the home will limit the possibility of relapse during those cravings.
- Make a plan for when cravings hit: One of the best things to do when cravings hit is to move your body to get out of the thought. Come up with a plan to stay active and present to combat cravings.
- Build a support network: As with staying sober from any substance, having a support network is key. Surround yourself with people who support you in staying sober from marijuana.
- Explore professional support: Making changes to how we cope with life can be difficult. It is beneficial to work with a therapist or clinical professional to manage emotional changes.
How to Cope With Weed Detox
When electing to complete a marijuana detox, it’s important to ensure you have support throughout the process. This may include professional support, such as individual counseling or group therapy. Additionally, joining support groups with others who have gone through marijuana detox can be a beneficial tool. Self-care practices at home will assist in coping with symptoms that arise, too.
Ways to cope during the weed detox process include:
- Practice self-care: Self-care can assist in the process by taking attention off the symptoms and focusing on promoting health and wellness.
- Try journaling: Journaling can help mental health throughout your detox journey by taking your thoughts, anxiety, depression, or cravings and placing them on paper to find relief from these thoughts.
- Physical movement: Physical movement such as nature walks, yoga, or tai chi can be helpful in soothing anxiety and restlessness.
- Spiritual practice: Spiritual practice can be helpful during any life changes, and is at the root of many support groups for sobriety.
- Eating well: Eating well and nourishing your body with necessary nutrients can assist in decreasing fatigue and symptoms of anxiety related to detox.
When to Seek Professional Help
It is important to understand when it is time to seek professional help for substance use treatment or detox. The diagnostic and statistical manual, or DSM, outlines criteria for when substance use becomes problematic. This includes when it has impairment of functioning in various areas, such as occupational, relational, physical, or emotional.1 If you are experiencing impairment, or are having difficulty stopping use on your own, it may be time to seek professional help.
There are a variety of choices, from an online therapist directory to an online therapy platform to help you find the right professional for you. Finding a clinician that you can connect with is key to the healing process. Additionally, online resources can help you identify professionals that can meet your scheduling needs, from the comfort of your own home, and that are covered by your insurance. If you are seeking medication management for your detox process, you can also explore online psychiatrist options.
In My Experience
Additional Resources
To help our readers take the next step in their mental health journey, Choosing Therapy has partnered with leaders in mental health and wellness. Choosing Therapy is compensated for marketing by the companies included below.
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Workit Health – Modern, personalized recovery that combines medication, a supportive community, and helpful content. Covered by many insurance plans. Currently available in FL, TX, OH, MI, and NJ. Visit Workit Health
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Ria Health – Quickly change your relationship to alcohol with our at-home program. On average, members reduce their BAC levels by 50% in 3 months in the program. Services are covered by many major health plans. Visit Ria Health
Drug Addiction Rehab Centers – Find the best local detox or drug rehab center covered by your health insurance. Search by location, condition, insurance, and more. Read reviews. Start your search
Telehealth Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Bicycle Health – offers therapy, support, and medication for addiction treatment (MAT). MAT offers the lowest relapse rates for opioid use disorder, helping people to stop using opioids with minimal physical discomfort. Covered by most major insurance. Visit Bicycle Health
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Sunnyside – Want to drink less? Sunnyside helps you ease into mindful drinking at your own pace. Think lifestyle change, not a fad diet. Develop new daily routines, so you maintain your new habits for life. Take a 3 Minute Quiz
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Online medication-assisted treatment programs are fairly new to the telehealth industry, but existing companies are expanding quickly with new programs emerging every day. It’s important to explore your options and understand the level of virtual care available so you can choose the best addiction treatment program for you.
Best Mindful Drinking Apps
If you’re thinking about joining the sober curious movement and you’d like to cut back on drinking, mindful drinking apps are a great place to start. Practicing mindful drinking can take some time, attention, and patience, but with the help of the right app, you can completely transform your relationship with alcohol.
Marijuana Detox Infographics