A dopamine detox involves cutting out impulsive and addictive behaviors for a short time period. The goal of a dopamine fast is to help reset the brain’s reward system, which largely relies on the pleasurable chemical dopamine.1, 2, 3 While some believe dopamine detoxes are effective ways to jumpstart recovery from an addiction, there are no peer-reviewed studies to back these claims up.
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What Is Dopamine?
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers used by the nervous system to send commands that keep the body and brain functioning. Each neurotransmitter carries different kinds of messages and different functions that help the brain and body compete. Dopamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter that helps regulate certain basic bodily functions like circulation, breathing, and movement, as well as helps with mood, motivation, and concentration.1, 3
Dopamine triggers the brain’s pleasure and reward centers, earning dopamine a nickname as the brain’s ‘pleasure chemical’. Activities and drugs that release large amounts of dopamine at once can condition reward centers in the brain, motivating people to repeat these behaviors. At the extreme, this can lead to the strong urges and cravings people experience when they become addicted to something.4, 5
Over time, the brain will monitor dopamine and conserve dopamine production when it is being used too quickly (i.e., when someone abuses a drug several times a day). This built-in protection ensures the brain is able to produce enough dopamine to function, but it also can lessen the ‘high’ from addictive substances and behaviors. Through this process, addictive behaviors and substances can interfere with dopamine production, leading to an excess or deficiency of this neurochemical. Mood problems and mental health symptoms are common signs of dopamine imbalance.2, 6
How Do Behaviors & Substances Impact Dopamine Levels?
Certain substances and activities can cause larger releases of dopamine at one time, which leads to pleasurable feelings. Large releases of dopamine also activate the brain’s reward system, forming neural pathways that motivate us to repeat those behaviors. Unfortunately, these reward pathways are also called dopamine ‘addiction pathways’ because they can create strong urges that make it hard to stop a habit, even when it’s doing us more harm than good.4, 6
Substances and behaviors that trigger large releases of dopamine (and can lead to addiction pathways) include:2, 4, 5
- Amphetamines like cocaine, ADHD medications, and meth
- Opioid drugs like heroin, prescribed painkillers, and fentanyl (indirectly trigger dopamine)
- Alcoholic beverages like beer, wine, and liquor
- Nicotine from tobacco, vaping, or lozenges
- Sugary and sweet foods like chocolate, baked goods, and candy
- Sexual arousal, intercourse, and orgasms
- Watching pornographic videos or looking at pornographic images
- Playing video games or apps on your phone
- Getting likes, comments, and reposts on social media
- Placing bets or making high-risk decisions
- Going on rollercoasters or other rides in theme parks
- Excessive exercise
- Excessive shopping or spending
What Is a Dopamine Detox?
Dopamine detox, or dopamine fasting, involves abstaining from activities and drugs that trigger large releases of dopamine for a few hours to a few days. It was developed by a psychiatrist named Dr. Cameron Sepah, who believed that fasting can help ‘reset’ the brain’s reward system and normalize the production and supply of dopamine.6, 7, 8
According to Dr. Cameron Sepah, a dopamine detox involves cutting the following behaviors and substances:7
- Emotional eating
- Excessive internet use or gaming
- Gambling and shopping
- Porn and masturbation
- Thrill and novelty seeking
- Recreational drug use
Keep in mind the phrase ‘dopamine detox’ or ‘dopamine fasting’ is misleading because it isn’t possible to shut down dopamine production. Even if you follow a strict regimen with none of the disallowed activities, your brain involuntarily creates some dopamine throughout the day to keep you functional. It’s more accurate to think of a dopamine fast as a way to reduce the amount of dopamine being produced by abstaining from activities that trigger large releases of it.6, 8
Cold-Turkey Vs. Gradual Reduction
Everyone’s behavioral patterns are a little different, so there is no one-size-fits-all protocol for completing a dopamine detox. Dr. Cameron Sepah, the developer of the dopamine fast, emphasizes the importance of customizing the detox to meet individual needs and preferences. Some people may be able to complete the fast quickly, and others may need to start slow and gradually work up to longer or more restrictive fasts.6, 7
If you’re not sure whether to take a fast or gradual approach to dopamine detoxing, it may be necessary to conduct some trial-and-error experiments to find what works best for you. This might involve attempting to do a full dopamine fast and adjusting or scaling back your fast if it’s too taxing or difficult. Keep in mind that sudden and drastic changes aren’t always ideal because they can be difficult to maintain. For some, changes are more likely to be lasting when they’re made slowly and gradually rather than suddenly and drastically.6, 9
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Do Dopamine Detoxes Work?
Dopamine fasting is considered speculative at this point since there has not been research to verify that this practice works or can help restore normal dopamine production after an addiction has formed.2, 6, 8 Therefore, dopamine detox practices have been criticized by some as ‘junk science’.6, 8 Still, the field of neuroscience is continuously making new discoveries about the brain and how it works, so it’s possible that future research will offer empirical support for the practice of dopamine detox.
How Long Does it Take to Reset Dopamine?
There isn’t a clear answer to the question of how long someone needs to fast in order to reset their dopamine production. There are many individual factors that can cause this timeframe to vary from person to person. In fact, it isn’t even clear that dopamine production can be ‘reset’ by using a detox or fasting approach to pleasurable activities.
Factors that may impact how long it takes to reset dopamine include:1, 2, 6, 10
- Neurochemistry: How much dopamine their brain normally makes, how quickly it’s made and used and the level of other neurochemicals that interact with dopamine
- Drug use: What kinds of drugs they currently use, in what quantities, how often, and for how long they’ve used them (certain drugs like cocaine trigger the biggest release of dopamine)
- Prescribed medications: Certain prescribed medications like antidepressants can affect levels of dopamine (i.e. wellbutrin and many ADHD medications trigger dopamine release)
- Tolerance: How much of a tolerance a person has developed to certain substances or dopamine-producing behaviors
- Lifestyle factors: Dopamine levels also vary according to a person’s lifestyle and routine, including the person’s exercise habits, social life, and preferred leisure activities
- Stress levels: Stress changes the neurochemical balance of the brain, and chronically high stress can place an additional tax on dopamine production (some research suggests past traumatic experiences can also affect dopamine production)
Who Would Benefit From Dopamine Detox?
Dr. Sepah, the developer of the dopamine fasting protocol, recommends dopamine detoxes for people who are struggling with behavioral addictions or impulsivity.6, 7 It may be helpful to people struggling with any form of addiction (including drug or alcohol addiction) since all addictive disorders interfere with dopamine supplies.2, 5
Since dopamine levels can affect a person’s mood, concentration, and motivation, there are a variety of other mental health conditions that could respond well to a dopamine detox.3 For example, people with mood disorders like depression and bipolar often struggle with dopamine deficiencies. Similarly, individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have altered dopamine levels, which contributes to low impulse control and poor attention span.2, 10
Dopamine imbalances have also been identified in certain medical and neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, which is caused by a deficiency in dopamine. An excess of dopamine can also create an imbalance, even leading to serious mental health conditions like schizophrenia or psychosis.
Despite the variety of medical and mental health conditions linked to dopamine imbalances, it’s important to remember that dopamine detox is not a proven method to correct these imbalances.6, 8
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7 Stages of a Dopamine Detox
The original dopamine fasting has a set 7-stage protocol. However, the developer, Dr. Sepah, emphasizes that individuals can customize their detox according to their needs. He recommends focusing on cutting out the impulsive behaviors and habits that interfere with your ability to function rather than feeling like you need to focus on all six. Also, he recommends scaling back and slowing down if you’re finding the detox too difficult, starting with shorter fasting periods or less restrictive fasts.7
Here are the seven stages of a dopamine detox:
1. Identify Triggering Activities
Those interested in trying a dopamine detox should take some time to identify their goals, break the process into steps and stages, and make a plan and timeline to begin. The more thoughtful you are in the preparation stage of your detox, the more likely it is that you will stay on track. The first step in the process of any detox is to identify the specific substances or activities that you need to cut out.
If you are following the original dopamine fasting protocols developed by Dr. Cameron Sepah, you will need to completely stop or greatly reduce participation in the following activities:6, 7
- Emotional eating: Eating when you are tired, bored, stressed, or not really hungry is sometimes referred to as emotional eating, and it’s something we do for a quick boost in dopamine. Try to cut out mindless or late night snacks, sugary or fatty ‘comfort foods’, and other unplanned or unhealthy foods.
- Gambling or shopping: Spending money triggers the release of dopamine, which is why a lot of people find it rewarding, fun, exciting, or comforting to shop. This can even cause some individuals to develop a gambling addiction or shopping addiction. Because of this, unnecessary spending or gambling are off-limits during a traditional dopamine detox.
- Porn & masturbation: Dopamine is one of the feel-good chemicals that’s released during the sexual arousal and orgasm cycle, which is why most experts agree it’s possible to develop a sexual addiction. Porn can be especially addictive because it’s available 24/7 and can deplete dopamine supplies when overused, making it off-limits during a traditional dopamine fast.
- Online activities & gaming: Technology, software, social media platforms, and streaming entertainment are also off-limits during a traditional dopamine fast. These activities can become addictive and are believed to trigger the release of large amounts of dopamine when users are ‘rewarded’ with likes, comments, tokens, level-ups, etc. Social media addictions, in particular, are becoming increasingly prevalent.
- Thrill and novelty seeking: Dopamine is a big part of the ‘thrill’ people experience when they do something new, exciting, or daring. Novel experiences are proven to trigger the release of more dopamine than familiar experiences, which is why it’s not recommended to seek out new, exciting, or thrilling experiences during your detox.
- Recreational drugs: Almost all addictive drugs trigger the release of large amounts of dopamine, which is responsible for the pleasurable ‘high’ users experience. This is why people are recommended to practice mindful drinking and/or abstain from any recreational drugs or substances during a dopamine fast.
2. Set ‘SMART’ Goals
After you identify the trigger behaviors you are going to target during your dopamine detox, the next step is to set clear, measurable, and realistic goals. Smart goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to your priorities, and time-bound (or timely, meaning you have identified a specific target date or timeline to achieve it). By making sure your goals include all five SMART goal criteria, you can set yourself up for a successful dopamine fast.
Setting a goal and making sure it meets the SMART criteria is an essential step in the detox and fasting process. Here’s an example of a SMART goal for a dopamine fast: I will go a full day (sun up to sun down) once a week without engaging in the six trigger activities listed in the dopamine fasting protocol for 90 days to improve my mental health.
The SMART criteria for a dopamine detox is:
- Specific: The goal outlines six specific behaviors that the person agrees to abstain from
- Measurable: The person will abstain from the behavior one day per week, sun up to sun down
- Achievable: The person is more likely to achieve the goal because there are six out of seven days per week when no change is required
- Relevant to current priorities: The goal is relevant to the person’s priority of improving their mental health and wellbeing
- Time-bound: The target date for completing the goal (i.e., fasting one day per week) is 90 days, making it time-bound
3. Plan Ahead by Removing Temptations
A key aspect of the planning and preparation process for a successful dopamine fast is to remove as many temptations as possible.9 Depending on the specific behaviors you’re targeting during your detox, this might mean getting rid of drugs and alcohol in your home or putting parental controls to block certain websites. Removing temptations means doing your best to limit, restrict, or block access to the behaviors you are trying to abstain from and avoiding the triggers that are possible to avoid during the fasting process.
When you remove temptations and triggers for your target behaviors, you make it easier on yourself to stay on track with your dopamine detox. Several studies show that willpower is a limited and scarce resource that runs out when you use it, which is why it’s not a good idea to rely on willpower alone for the strength to complete your fast. This is especially true for people who have developed an addiction or dependency on a drug or behavior, which creates strong cravings that require a lot of willpower to resist.
4. Use Mindfulness to Surf Urges
After you have identified target behaviors for your detox, set a SMART goal, and planned ahead and prepared by removing triggers, you are ready to begin your dopamine fast. In this stage, you can expect to have some urges and cravings, especially at the beginning of your detox. These urges will be strongest for the behaviors you most often depend on to relieve stress, relax, and enjoy yourself. At first, it will probably be difficult to resist these urges, but having some coping skills can help.
One of the most effective ways to deal with urges and cravings during your detox is to use mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of giving your full, undivided attention to something in the present moment but doing so nonjudgmentally. Urge surfing is a specific mindfulness skill that people use when they have strong urges and involves using visualization and mindfulness to experience the urge without acting on it.
Here are the basic steps to practice urge surfing:
- Tune into your body and notice strong feelings and sensations related to the urge
- Visualize the urge as a big wave rising up inside of your body, following a familiar pattern of rising, cresting, and subsiding
- Track the movement of the wave inside your body, noticing and breathing through it as it slowly rises, getting more intense before finally cresting and falling
- Avoid doing or saying anything until the wave has crested and fallen (which means the urge has passed), and be especially mindful not to act at the ‘top’ of the urge… just keep your attention focused on the movement and mental image of the wave
- After the urge or craving has passed, you will be in a better, more stable state, and it is safe to resume your normal routine. and you can repeat this short exercise again when urges arise
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5. Replace Bad Habits with Healthy Habits
Most people who go on a dopamine fast are interested in changing their habits and routines. Specifically, many people want to cut out (or at least cut down on) the impulsive behaviors they are avoiding during their fast. If your long-term goal is to change your routine and replace bad habits with new, healthier ones, it’s even more important to be consistent with your dopamine fasting protocol.
Studies on habit formation have found that it takes just over two months of consistent practice to form a new habit, so keep this timeline in mind when considering your plans. Part of this process involves breaking the old, unhealthy habits, and the other part involves forming new, healthier ones by incorporating them into your schedule and routine. At first, this will be difficult, but remind yourself that it will only get easier with time as the old neural pathways are pruned out and new ones are formed.9
6. Track Your Progress & Record Benefits
The next step in the process of a dopamine detox involves data collection. Paying attention to your progress during your fast is important and is the only way to know whether you have achieved your smart goal or not. Monitoring your results is also important and can help you stay encouraged, motivated, and on track with your dopamine fast. Try to set aside time regularly to sit down, reflect on your fast, and assess your progress and results.9
A lot of people find it helps to have a dedicated detox journal or daily log to track progress and results during a detox and use this weekly review to look at their previous entries. In your log, you can record information about your successes and setbacks or keep track of your mood, mindset, and how many cravings you have. Tracking progress and results can also help you quickly identify when a routine isn’t working, allowing you to make adjustments to your goals or plans that help you stay on track with the detox.
7. Adjust the Protocol to Meet Changing Needs
After following your dopamine detox plan and achieving the goals you set for yourself, the final step is to identify your new goal and adjust your protocol accordingly. For example, if you experienced positive benefits to your mood and mental health during the detox, you might decide to continue dopamine fasting one day per week. If you don’t see the benefit of doing a weekly detox day, you might decide to stop the fast and return to your normal routines and habits.
Some people find that periodically going on a dopamine fasting protocol is beneficial to them, and others don’t. Reviewing your progress and results can give you a clearer picture of what works for you and identify what, if any, long-term benefits there would be from continuing the fast. For many people, it takes some trial and error to determine the specific fasting protocol and routine that works for them, so be patient with yourself during the process. If you decide to resume your normal routine, it might help to gradually reintroduce high-dopamine activities, which gives your body and brain time to adjust.6, 7
Overcoming Challenges During Dopamine Detox
The main challenge people encounter on a dopamine detox is the experience of strong urges, which are more common early on in the process. These urges tend to be worse when an addiction or dependency has formed and when you are around certain people, places, and things you associate with the old behaviors associated with the addiction or dependence. Reducing temptations, avoiding triggers, and using healthy coping skills like urge surfing are some of the best ways to overcome these early challenges.
Here are some ways to overcome common challenges during a dopamine detox:
- Social support: Having people who care about you in your corner can make a huge difference for people attempting to make a major lifestyle change. Before starting your protocol, consider letting certain people in your inner circle know about your plans. If you know there’s something they could do to help you stay on track, ask them ahead of time if they’d be willing to do so. Feeling supported during the process can help you commit more fully to your plans.
- Social accountability: Your support system can help hold you accountable by volunteering to talk with you or check on your progress throughout your fast. They can also provide some encouragement and moral support during times when you’re with them, especially when there are triggers or temptations nearby.
- Technology assistance: Technology can come in handy during a dopamine fast since there are so many different apps, websites, videos, and other devices to help you set and reach your goals. Consider using reminders and notifications to stick to your routine, apps to help you track progress and monitor results, or adjusting phone settings to restrict certain apps or activities you’re trying to avoid during a detox.
- Building in rewards: Most dopamine fasts are specifically structured to limit and reduce rewards, but building rewards into the long-term plan can be a good way to keep yourself motivated. For example, scheduling a short trip, fancy date, or planning to make a large purchase after your dopamine fast is complete can help you find the motivation to pull yourself to the finish line on days when your willpower is low.
- Effective self-care alternatives: Dopamine fasting may require you to trim down your self-care routine, cutting out some of the activities you find most restorative. When this is the case, it’s important to identify some effective alternatives in advance. That way, you won’t have to scramble to find options at a moment when you’re feeling bad. Some examples of self-care during a dopamine fast include exercising, socializing, meditation, and journaling.
Alternatives to Dopamine Detox
Those who are interested in some of the benefits of a dopamine detox but not in following a strict protocol will be happy to know that there are plenty of effective alternatives to a dopamine detox. Depending on what your specific goals are and what results you want to achieve, you can probably find another way to accomplish them without needing to detox or fast.
Here are some alternatives to dopamine detox:
- Mental health treatment: If you have a mental health diagnosis, finding a therapist or speaking to a psychiatrist is often recommended and can help you learn how to manage and control your symptoms
- Addiction treatment: If you have an addiction or dependence to drugs, alcohol, or even a behavioral addiction to gambling, porn, or other behaviors, seeking professional addiction treatment at an outpatient or inpatient rehab center may be the best option for safely jumpstarting your recovery
- Lifestyle medicine: A healthy routine is foundational to your health, which is why optimizing your sleep, nutrition, exercise routine, and social habits is sometimes called ‘lifestyle medicine’, and is a proven way to protect your physical and mental health
- Stress management: A little stress can be healthy and motivating, but chronic or toxic levels of stress are very taxing to your physical and mental wellness, which is why taking steps to manage your stress, achieve better work-life balance, and make time regularly for relaxation can be incredibly beneficial
When to Seek Professional Support
If you or a loved one is struggling with a mental illness or a drug or behavioral addiction, it’s important to seek out professional help in addition to exploring a dopamine fast. Therapy is a proven treatment for many common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, and medications are sometimes combined with therapy for optimal results. The best place to start your search for professional treatment is online. Using a free online therapist directory allows you to narrow down your search to see results by location, insurance type, or area of specialty.
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