Mantras are typically single words, sounds, or phrases we repeat during times of distress to calm ourselves down. Research shows that mantras effectively help people with anxiety by centering their thoughts and breathing, allowing them to refocus and ground themselves in the present moment and creating a moment of inner peace.1
What Are Mantras?
The word “mantra” stems from the Sanskrit language and refers to an ancient practice used to heighten spiritual consciousness, often utilized within Hinduism and Buddhism. A mantra can be a sound, word, or words, and can be repeated silently, out loud, or just said once.2
What Are the Benefits of Mantra Meditation?
Mantra meditations can help with stress, depression, and anxiety by re-centering your focus and encouraging deep body relaxation.1 They can be done by themselves, or incorporated into larger, structured meditation practices. Mantra-based meditations are not too difficult to learn and utilize, making them a good option for someone looking for a new way to center themselves.
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Types of Mantras
Mantras have their roots in ancient religious and spiritual practices, and some still utilize them in this sense.2 On the other hand, mantras used in transcendental meditation (TM), for example, are not strictly linked to a religion and became widely popular in the 1960s.2 These focus more on personal strength and goals. If you are interested in incorporating mantras into your routine, you may benefit from learning more in-depth about different types of mantras and approaches to see which most align with your philosophies.
Some examples of mantras include:2,3,4
- Religious mantras: The Hindu mantra “om” is used as a powerful mantra in popular culture and in Buddhism, where “om mani padne hum” is a classic mantra
- Short, meaningful phrases: These are generally self-affirmations that you can repeat to help with grounding, self-esteem, and so on. Some examples would be “this too shall pass” or “I am worthy.”
- Single words: Single word repetitions are similar to the self-affirmations discussed above, but instead of a phrase, it focuses on a single word, like “peace” or “calm.”
Mantras for Anxiety
Mantras may help with anxiety by reducing the severity of its symptoms, such as racing thoughts and increased heart rate. The effects are similar to those of mindfulness on anxiety, as they both aim to refocus your breathing, thoughts, and actions in moments of distress. In turn, this can help decrease your heart rate and alleviate the physiological symptoms of anxiety and increase positive mood.5
Here are seven examples of helpful mantras for anxiety:
1. One Day at a Time
Saying “one day at a time” or “one thing at a time” can help remind you that you don’t have to do everything at once. In therapy, we sometimes help a patient with taking on different perspectives, and this is a quote that can help with that.
2. This Is Temporary
“This isn’t permanent” or “this too shall pass” are similar ideas. These can help you remember that the anxious feelings you are experiencing will not go on endlessly; they have passed before, and they will pass again.
3. I Am Calm
By using this phrase, you might be able to channel how you would like to feel and tap into that feeling. It can be a good mantra for anxiety, as it focuses on channeling the opposite feeling.
4. I Am ______
Tap into a quality that makes you feel good about yourself for this mantra–strong, wise, loving, brave, resilient, tough, courageous, unwavering, etc. In therapy, this is where self-affirmations stem from, as it can be helpful to remind ourselves that there are things about us that we admire.
5. Peace Is Within Me
This is another phrase you can utilize as a mantra for fear and anxiety. Like with “I am calm,” this helps you tap into how you would like to feel and go into that calm and peaceful place that exists within you. This is similar to when you imagine being in a peaceful or “happy” place.
6. Slow Is Steady & Steady Is Fast
If you experience anxiety, sometimes you can struggle with feeling like you’re not doing enough or moving quickly enough. This is a good mantra for anxiety that might help you slow down and recognize that slowing down can actually be beneficial. Conversely, it can help you realize that moving quickly and with high intensity all the time is detrimental to your mental health and productivity, and can lead to burnout.
7. Create Your Own!
If there are calming or grounding phrases and words that your family or friends use to compliment or calm someone, it might be beneficial for you to incorporate those into your meditation practice.
Single-Word Mantras for Anxiety
- Peace
- Calm
- Center
- Still
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Mantras for Social Anxiety
You can also utilize the strategies for generalized anxiety to help you through certain situations that might induce social anxiety. You can use the ones from above, or you can customize them more to a specific social situation. As with the suggestions for general anxiety, if there are any phrases or words that you or your loved ones already used in a similar way, you can incorporate them into your mantras.
Here are five mantras for social anxiety:
1. I Got This
Sometimes, you are your own cheerleader, and this can be a phrase to remind yourself that you will give it a try. An internal pep talk of sorts!
2. I Belong
People who experience social anxiety feel as if they will not fit in certain social situations. This mantra can help remind you that you belong in any space you choose to be in. This can slowly help you restructure and rethink the way you believe others perceive you.
3. I Am Comfortable Around Others
Just like with some of the tips discussed above, this helps remind yourself of how you want to feel in social situations. You want to feel comfortable around others in social spaces, and trying to embody that sentiment through a mantra can help you gain confidence.
4. My Company Is Welcomed
Similarly to “I Belong,” this serves as a reminder that others want you around, and your presence is appreciated and valued.
5. I Am Open to This Experience
People don’t like learning that avoiding an anxiety-inducing situation may actually make their anxiety worse. This phrase can help remind you that you are going to face the social situation without negative preconceptions, which helps decrease instances of avoidance.
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Sanskrit Mantras for Anxiety
Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages at over 3000 years old, so it is no surprise that many sanskrit mantras for anxiety have existed throughout history. Sanskrit mantras are more about the energy of the mantra than its meaning. It is believed that Vedic seers are the sources of Sanskrit mantra.6,7,8,9
Some examples of sanskrit mantras for anxiety include:10,11
- Om Shanti Om: “Peace in body, peace in mind, peace in speech or spirit.” This is a mantra that works to facilitate a peace of mind.
- Samprati Hum: “The present moment is my true self.”With this mantra you are channeling your true-self, and embracing and loving yourself.
- Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha: “Salutations to the remover of obstacles.” This mantra taps into navigating any obstacles you might be experiencing.
How to Meditate Using Mantras for Anxiety
Mantras are typically incorporated into your larger meditation practices. Most people find a comfortable, quiet spot and choose to either lay, sit, stand, or even walk. Once you have settled, close your eyes or focus them on something you see. Take a few deep breaths and begin using your mantra by either silently repeating it in your mind or quietly speaking it.12
The extra helpful bit of using a mantra in meditation is that it provides something to focus on while you clear your mind of the anxiety-inducing thoughts. My clients usually practice meditations for a few minutes at a time initially, because meditation is a skill that takes time to improve. With time, people typically meditate for longer periods of time. Try out scheduling your meditation during a time of day that you think might work for you and modify it based on how you feel.
How to Avoid Cultural Appropriation When Using Mantras
Meditation and mindfulness practices are evidence-based approaches that mental health professionals can use as therapeutic tools, but because these come from a variety of cultures and religions, it is important to make sure that professionals and their clients are not decontextualizing or appropriating these practices.13
Everyone could try to decrease their likelihood of appropriation by:14
- Learning more about the history of mantras
- Honoring the origins of these practices
- Reading, watching, and listening to those within that field (i.e., finding a Vedic teacher if you want to learn Vedic mantras)
- Be respectful by not concealing the history and cultural roots of mantras
- Be respectful of how you use mantras (i.e., don’t use “Om” as a house decoration)
Pairing Mantras With Professional Help for Anxiety
It’s never too late to consider professional help. If you need support with your anxiety symptoms, or if you are just curious about whether therapy might be a good fit to help with anxiety, it is worth talking to a therapist to see how they might be able to help. Before you begin browsing an online directory, make sure you know what type of therapist you are trying to find.
In addition to therapy and meditation, consider exploring further anxiety treatments in your assessment of what might best work for you. Oftentimes, a holistic approach to mental health concerns is the most effective treatment.
Final Thoughts
Using mantras may help some people calm their anxious thoughts. They provide similar benefits to mindfulness and meditation, which are effective in treating anxiety symptoms as well. However, this might only be one piece of the puzzle, and may not work for everyone. So, if you need help with your anxiety symptoms, it is a good idea to consider talking to a therapist to see what else, in addition to or in replacement of the mantras, would be helpful for you.
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