Dr. Emily Treichler is a licensed clinical psychologist with expertise in adults with psychosis, trauma, and other serious mental illnesses. She has authored or co-authored more than 25 peer-reviewed research articles, mostly focused on improving mental health care for people with serious mental illness through compassionate, equitable, accessible, and evidence-based practices.
She is the developer of Collaborative Decision Skills Training (CDST), an innovative group therapy intended to support and empower clients as they work with their clinicians and make decisions about their mental health. Her work has contributed to several other innovative therapies for first episode psychosis, suicide prevention, resilience, and cognition.
Dr. Treichler has provided therapy and assessment in a range of settings, from acute and long-term inpatient and residential programs to private practice. She is passionate about recovery-oriented, holistic, and trauma-informed care that supports each person to pursue a life they enjoy and find meaningful even if their symptoms continue. She has specialized training in cognitive behavioral and acceptance-based therapies for adults with psychosis, mood disorders, and trauma disorders. She completed fellowships in psychosis and trauma among Veterans and healthy aging in the general population.
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Healthy Aging, University of California, San Diego
Postdoctoral Fellowship at Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, VA
San Diego and University of California, San Diego
Internship, University of Maryland School of Medicine and VA Baltimore
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Pacific Lutheran University