Anxiety Tremors: Causes & How to Stop
Anxiety tremors and anxiety shaking can be uncomfortable and add to a person’s overall distress. Several ways to reduce tremors include practicing mindfulness techniques and progressive muscle relaxation, and speaking with your therapist about other ways to reduce anxiety and manage tremors.
April 20, 2022 Can Anxiety Cause Nausea?
Physical symptoms of anxiety include sweaty hands, heat rashes on the face or body, rapid heartbeat, and nausea that ranges in severity from “butterflies in your stomach” to vomiting and dry heaving. These nausea-related symptoms, a result of how the brain and gastrointestinal system work together, often leave a person feeling exhausted.
April 6, 2022 How to Stop Thinking About Someone: 14 Ways to Get Them Off Your Mind
The best way to stop thinking about someone is to put time into improving yourself. Here are 14 tips for focusing on yourself and getting that person off your mind.
June 20, 2024 What to Do When You’re Feeling Alone in a Relationship
When you have a partner, you probably don't expect to feel lonely - but it's not uncommon to feel alone in a relationship. Heres what to do about it.
June 20, 2024