Over the past 4 years, the Choosing Therapy team has used BetterHelp at least 20 times. During our time reviewing BetterHelp, we’ve uncovered a few tips, tricks, and techniques to help you get the most out of your experience. We’ll explore how to optimize your therapy journey with BetterHelp, maxmize savings, and find a therapist who’s a great therapist for you.
BetterHelp also offers therapy for teens through Teen Counseling, and couples counseling through Regain. These platforms are both part of the BetterHelp platform and function essentially the same, so the guidance below will likely still apply.
BetterHelp – Affordable, convenient, online therapy – Get 20% off your first month!
BetterHelp Cost & Pricing FAQs
BetterHelp costs $260 – $360 monthly for weekly therapy sessions. Subscriptions include access to ongoing therapy, messaging with your therapist, all the content in the BetterHelp app, and a weekly group webinar. BetterHelp does not accept insurance. If you have mental health benefits through your insurance plan, take a look at our list of the best online therapy platforms that accept insurance.
How Much Does BetterHelp Cost?
BetterHelp costs range from $260 – $360 monthly (advertised at $65 – $90 weekly). This includes weekly sessions with your therapist, access to BetterHelp’s resource content, and one weekly group webinar. BetterHelp does not accept insurance at all. Weekly billing is available for $110 per session. A maintenance plan is available that includes 1 session per month for $200 monthly.
A few key facts about BetterHelp costs include:
- BetterHelp does not accept insurance
- BetterHelp’s standard price is $260 – $360 monthly and varies slightly depending on your location and therapist
- Financial aid is available for people in times of financial hardship, potentially earning a discount of 10% – $40% off your monthly subscription cost
- You can use FSA or HSA to pay for BetterHelp
- BetterHelp will provide a superbill for out-of-network insurance reimbursement
- Your first month with BetterHelp is due upfront, but Choosing Therapy readers receive 20% off their first month of service
- A maintenance plan is available that includes 1 session per month for $200 monthly.
- Weekly billing is available for $110 per session.
Does BetterHelp Take Insurance?
No. BetterHelp does not accept any kind of insurance, however, you can use your FSA or HSA for therapy costs through BetterHelp. Or, you can request that BetterHelp provide you with a superbill for potential out-of-network reimbursement.
Looking for in-network therapy options? Take a look at our list of the best therapy platforms that take insurance.
Does BetterHelp Accept HSA/FSA?
Yes, you can use FSA or HSA funds for mental health services provided by BetterHelp. Simply enter your HSA card as a payment method just as you would with a debit or credit card.
It may be wise to double-check with your FSA or HSA provider to ensure that your plan covers this kind of expenditure. Your plan may also require receipts or documentation, so be prepared to provide that later.
Is BetterHelp Free?
No. BetterHelp is not free and does not offer a free trial. BetterHelp costs range from $260 – $360 monthly.
Is BetterHelp Expensive?
Depending on your financial situation, you might consider BetterHelp to be expensive. BetterHelp costs $260 – $360 monthly for weekly sessions with a therapist and all the other features that BetterHelp offers. However, this can be decreased by 10% – 40% by taking advantage of the BetterHelp financial aid program.
Is BetterHelp Cheaper Than In-Person Therapy?
According to a study, in-person therapy usually costs between $100 – $200 per session when insurance isn’t being used. Meanwhile, out-of-pocket costs for a therapist that’s in-network with your insurance plan are likely to fall somewhere between $30 – $50 per session.7
Considering this, if you have an insurance plan that has many viable in-network therapists, then in-person therapy may be more affordable for you. However, if you’re considering cash-pay only, BetterHelp’s average cost of $260 – $360 monthly averages to about $65 – $90 per session, which falls significantly below the national average for in-person therapy.
When considering what kind of therapy is best for you, it’s best to shop around and see what prices are in your local area as they can vary significantly nationwide. Then, see how that compares to costs at companies like BetterHelp.
Do You Pay Before or After BetterHelp Therapy?
With BetterHelp, you pay when you sign up for services, so you pay before you attend your first appointment and you pay in advance for the entire month of service.
What Happens If I Cancel a BetterHelp Session?
If you cancel a BetterHelp session within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment, BetterHelp will not charge you a no-show fee, however, you will not be able to make that session up in the same week. In other words, a no-show or late cancellation counts as your session for the week. If you need to cancel an appointment, it’s best to cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice.
Can I Pause a BetterHelp Membership?
Yes, you can pause your BetterHelp subscription at any time. To do so, simply log into your BetterHelp account and navigate to the account settings page. From here, you’ll find options to cancel your membership or pause your membership for up to 3 months at a time.
Does BetterHelp Offer Financial Aid?
Yes, BetterHelp financial aid is available to those who meet certain eligibility criteria. BetterHelp determines eligibility based on household income, employment status, financial stressors, hardship, and other factors. Those eligible can receive a BetterHelp discount of 10% – 40% off their monthly subscription.
How Can I Get a BetterHelp Discount?
To receive a BetterHelp discount, you must meet certain eligibility requirements based on your financial situation. If you can’t afford therapy, consider filling out an application for BetterHelp financial aid during your sign-up. If you already have an account and are facing a difficult financial situation, reach out to BetterHelp customer service by email at [email protected], or by phone at 888-688-9296 to request financial aid.
If you do not meet the criteria for BetterHelp financial aid, Choosing Therapy offers its readers a BetterHelp discount code for 20% off of your first month with BetterHelp. This will allow you to try the services at a discounted rate, to see if they are right for you.
Are There Promo Codes for BetterHelp?
The best BetterHelp discount available to the general public is 20% off your first month. Choosing Therapy offers its readers a discount of 20% off their first month with BetterHelp.
Is There a BetterHelp Student Discount?
BetterHelp does not offer student discounts, specifically. However, if you are unemployed or are facing a difficult financial situation, you may be eligible for financial assistance through BetterHelp.
BetterHelp – Affordable, convenient, online therapy – Get 20% off your first month!
BetterHelp Services & Subscription FAQs
BetterHelp is a subscription-based online therapy platform. For a monthly cost between $260 – $360, you will be able to meet with a therapist weekly through video, phone, or live-messaging sessions. Therapy sessions are usually 30-45 minutes. BetterHelp uses your responses on a questionnaire to match you to an initial therapist, but you’re able to change therapists at any time. BetterHelp does not prescribe medications, diagnose mental disorders, or provide psychiatric care.
If you’re looking for full diagnostics, psychiatric care, or medication management, Talkiatry is a much better option. Couples seeking therapy will need to look to BetterHelp’s subsidiary brand Regain for couples counseling.
How Does BetterHelp Work?
BetterHelp is an online therapy platform that allows people across the country to easily access virtual therapy online. For a monthly fee of $260 – $360 monthly, BetterHelp allows you to meet with a therapist weekly via audio, video, or live chat via the BetterHelp mobile or desktop app. You receive four therapy sessions per month with your subscription. You can also message your therapist in between sessions, and access hundreds of live educational group webinars, and a host of excellent self-guided resources. For more details on how BetterHelp works, and our personal experience using it, you can read our full BetterHelp review.
Can BetterHelp Prescribe Medication?
No. BetterHelp does not prescribe medication. If you’re looking for a subscription-based cash-pay provider for psychiatric medication care, Brightside Health is one of our favorite options.
How Does BetterHelp Therapist Matching Work?
BetterHelp matches you with a therapist based on your responses to its intake questionnaire. Multiple questions ask about your needs and preferences in a therapist to help guide BetterHelp’s algorithm in matching you with a therapist.
Once you’ve completed the questionnaire during sign-up, BetterHelp will choose a therapist and match you within a few business days. However, if you find your therapist isn’t a good fit for you, it’s very easy to request a different BetterHelp therapist.
While algorithm-based therapist matching is a useful tool, it isn’t always perfect, which is why we’ve developed a few tips and tricks for finding a great therapist on BetterHelp.
What Types of Sessions Does BetterHelp Offer?
BetterHelp offers video, phone, and live chat options for therapy. In our full BetterHelp review, we tried multiple methods and found that we preferred video therapy the best. However, some folks may prefer the convenience and flexibility of text-based therapy.
What Language Options are Available for BetterHelp Services?
BetterHelp states that its platform can offer therapy in up to 56 different languages. The exact availability of therapists who can speak these languages will vary, so BetterHelp can’t guarantee service in any particular language aside from English. However, with the large number of therapists on the platform, therapists will likely be available who speak the most widely spoken languages of the world such as Spanish, German, French, Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Mandarin, Portuguese, or Arabic.
How Long Are BetterHelp Sessions?
According to BetterHelp, therapy sessions are usually 30-45 minutes long, but may vary slightly depending on your provider and treatment plan.1
Does BetterHelp Have a Maintenance Plan?
Yes, BetterHelp does offer a maintenance plan. While it does not seem to be available as an option at sign-up, a maintenance plan is available for $200 monthly. It includes unlimited messaging and one live therapy session per month. To change to the maintenance plan, simply access your account settings in the BetterHelp app and select “Change plan.”
Does BetterHelp Offer Couples Counseling?
BetterHelp does not offer couples counseling on its main platform, but it does operate a separate brand called Regain that offers online couples counseling. Read our full Regain review for more details and our personal experience.
BetterHelp – Affordable, convenient, online therapy – Get 20% off your first month!
BetterHelp Safety FAQs
BetterHelp is a legitimate and well-known online therapy platform. The company only works with licensed therapists with at least 3 years and 1,000 client contact hours of experience. Recent studies indicate that online therapy through BetterHelp is effective2.
Is BetterHelp Legit?
Yes, BetterHelp is a legitimate and well-known online therapy platform that we recommend as our top online therapy option for accessible and affordable online therapy. A recent study suggests that BetterHelp’s care model is effective in managing the symptoms of depression and anxiety.2
Are BetterHelp Counselors Qualified?
Yes, BetterHelp vets and verifies all of its therapists to ensure that all BetterHelp therapists have at least the minimum education required by their state, full unrestricted clinical licensure in the state(s) they practice, and possess at least 3 years and 1,000 client contact hours of professional mental health experience.
Does BetterHelp Work?
A recent study suggests that online therapy – specifically, BetterHelp’s model of virtual therapy – is effective in curbing anxiety and depression over time.2 Keep in mind, that results are most often dependent on the specific therapist you choose and the efforts you put into therapy. Your effort can go a long way in ensuring you get the most out of therapy.
Does Online Therapy Work?
While more studies are needed, early research suggests that online therapy works and may be just as effective as traditional in-person therapy.3, 4, 5 However, online therapy is not usually advisable for severe mental illness or people with a high risk for suicidal ideation or behavior.
When considering if online therapy will work for you, keep these points in mind:
- Online therapy usually requires a stable internet connection.
- You should be relatively comfortable with computers and digital devices before pursuing online therapy services.
- Some people simply prefer the feel of in-person therapy to virtual.
If you’re ready to begin online therapy, BetterHelp is an affordable cash-pay option. If you have insurance Talkspace is a great choice, but there are several other online therapy options to choose from. Consider shopping around to find the best fit for you.
Can BetterHelp Diagnose?
BetterHelp is not able to diagnose mental illnesses, however, they can provide treatment for people with existing diagnoses, or can also provide treatment based on the speculation of a disorder from symptoms you discuss with your counselor.6
If you’re looking for a psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis, Brightside Health and Talkspace are both great choices that offer therapy and psychiatry through insurance and cash-pay.
Is BetterHelp Worth It?
BetterHelp may be worth it for those who are looking for a fast and convenient solution for therapy. Often, appointments are available same-day, and BetterHelp’s library of resources is great for those just getting started with therapy. It’s also a very affordable option for anyone who doesn’t have viable therapy options that are covered by insurance.
BetterHelp might not be worth it for someone who has insurance that covers therapy elsewhere, or someone who has been in therapy in the past and is familiar with the most common therapeutic techniques.
BetterHelp – Affordable, convenient, online therapy – Get 20% off your first month!
BetterHelp “How To” FAQs
BetterHelp makes it relatively easy to resolve a number of common issues without needing to involve customer support. Changing therapists and subscription plans, and pausing or canceling your account are all very straightforward. If you do need help, I’ve found BetterHelp’s customer service to be quite responsive and helpful.
How to Change Therapists On BetterHelp
To change therapists on BetterHelp, simply follow these steps:
- Log in to your BetterHelp account on the mobile app or desktop web app
- Navigate to your BetterHelp account settings
- Locate the “My therapist” section of information
- Click the button to request a new therapist
- Select the preferences that you would like to be considered
- Read through a list of new potential therapists and select one
In my experience using BetterHelp, I have had to change therapists a few times, but the process was always easy to follow. It’s important to read therapist bios carefully and consider your needs. Take a look at our tips for finding a good BetterHelp therapist for more strategies.
Our Guide to BetterHelp Subscription Plans
Unlike other online therapy services, BetterHelp only has one subscription plan to choose from at the start of services. BetterHelp costs between $260 – $360 monthly, depending on your therapist and geographic location. However, there is a maintenance plan available for $200 monthly that includes one monthly session and unlimited messaging. BetterHelp also has options for paying week-by-week at a rate of $110 per week which includes one live session and unlimited messaging for that week.
Notably, the maintenance and week-to-week plans aren’t available at sign-up. All existing BetterHelp customers can access them through their account settings after clicking “Change membership.”
Visit our full breakdown and review of BetterHelp for more details on subscription plans.
How to Reach BetterHelp Customer Service
You can reach out to BetterHelp customer service through email, phone, or by submitting a ticket through the BetterHelp help center.
BetterHelp customer service contact details are:
- Phone: 888-688-9296
- Email: [email protected]
- Visit the BetterHelp help center, and submit a ticket
How to Pause Your BetterHelp Subscription
You can pause your BetterHelp subscription at any time. To do so, simply log into your BetterHelp account, go to the “More” tab, select “My account,” and then you will be able to pause your membership for 2, 4, or 6 weeks. Note that you can only pause your membership once every 3 months.
How to Cancel Your BetterHelp Subscription
To cancel your BetterHelp subscription, simply follow these steps:
- Log in to your BetterHelp account on the mobile app or desktop web app
- Go to the “More” tab in the app
- Select “My account”
- Select “Change membership/Cancel membership”
- Answer a few confirmation questions and BetterHelp will cancel your subscription
- In account settings, request the deletion of your BetterHelp account data
How to Get a Refund for BetterHelp
If you believe you should receive a refund for services BetterHelp has provided, you can reach out to their customer service team to discuss why you believe you should receive a refund.
BetterHelp customer service contact details are:
- Phone: 888-688-9296
- Email: [email protected]
- Visit the BetterHelp help center, and submit a ticket
How Can I Choose My Therapist with BetterHelp?
If you’d like to choose your own therapist on BetterHelp rather than have the algorithm choose for you based on your questionnaire responses, there is a useful method for choosing a specific BetterHelp therapist.
To choose a specific BetterHelp therapist, follow these steps:
- Visit the BetterHelp homepage.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the gray text labeled “Find a Therapist.”
- Choose your state from the list.
- Browse a selection of BetterHelp therapists available in your area. You can select “View Profile,” and open this page in a new tab. It might be wise to open several of these so you can compare therapists easily.
- Once you find a therapist that you believe would be a good fit for you, simply navigate to their profile and select “Work with me.”
- Complete the BetterHelp intake process as usual.
How Can I Pick a Good Therapist on BetterHelp?
Picking a good therapist can be a difficult process whether you’re on BetterHelp or any other platform. Therapists are people, too, so all of them have different personalities, values, ideas, and beliefs. That can make finding a therapist that fits well with you quite difficult. Ultimately, it’s important to look deeply into any profiles or bios that are available and consider how a given therapist’s techniques might work for you. However, we’ve found that sometimes therapist bios can be somewhat inaccurate or misrepresent what a therapist is best at.
The most important piece of advice is to keep trying if a given therapist doesn’t work out. It doesn’t cost anything to change therapists on BetterHelp, so continue to cycle through them until you land on a good fit. One thing that can help is to send an introductory message when you start seeing a new therapist — you can use this as an opportunity to explain your goals and expectations for therapy. Leading with an intro message can help you avoid using up your live sessions if a therapist is clearly not a good fit.
BetterHelp Tips & Tricks
Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your BetterHelp subscription:
- Schedule your weekly BetterHelp sessions at your own convenience. Many therapists on the platform offer evening and weekend sessions, so don’t let your busy schedule restrict your care.
- Use the included text chat with your therapist. This feature is fantastic for quick check-ins with your therapist, asking clarifying questions, and jotting down ideas to discuss in your next session.
- Remember to use the built-in journaling feature. Journaling can be a very powerful skill in your mental health journey. Using BetterHelp’s built-in journaling system can be invaluable for jotting down insights in or out of sessions, noting areas you’ve progressed, and more. Individual journal entries can be shared directly with your therapist if you have some great progress you’d like to share.
- Request a new therapist if your current one isn’t a good fit. Sometimes, people get nervous about requesting a new therapist. There is nothing wrong with changing therapists if you find yours isn’t a good fit, and BetterHelp makes it very easy to do so.
- Take time before and after a therapy session to reflect. Many of us have very busy lives, but it’s very important to give your mind the time it needs to process the insights you uncover in therapy. Be sure to take time before and after therapy to reflect on what is important to you.
- Send an introductory message. It can be helpful to send an introductory message any time you’re working with a new therapist. You should include some of your goals and expectations for therapy and some of the issues you want to work on during sessions. This can help your therapist prepare for your first session and help both of you decide whether it’s a good fit.
Alternatives to BetterHelp
Looking for an alternative to BetterHelp? Here are a few of our favorites for different groups of people:
- Those With Insurance: We recommend Talkspace or Thriveworks.
- Kids & Teens: Manatee and Teen Counseling are great options.
- Substance Use Disorders: Bicycle Health and Workit Health earned our highest marks.
- Psychiatry & Medication Management: Two of our favorite providers are Talkiatry and Brightside Health.
Choosing Therapy strives to provide our readers with mental health content that is accurate and actionable. We have high standards for what can be cited within our articles. Acceptable sources include government agencies, universities and colleges, scholarly journals, industry and professional associations, and other high-integrity sources of mental health journalism. Learn more by reviewing our full editorial policy.
BetterHelp Editorial Team. (2024, February 23). Online therapy: Tips for getting the most from your sessions. Retrieved from: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/general/betterhelp-therapy-tips-for-getting-the-most-from-your-sessions/
Marcelle, E. T., Nolting, L., Hinshaw, S. P., & Aguilera, A. (2019). Effectiveness of a multimodal digital psychotherapy platform for adult depression: A naturalistic feasibility study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(1), e10948. https://doi.org/10.2196/10948. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364202/
Thompson, R. B. (2016). Psychology at a Distance: Examining the Efficacy of Online Therapy. University Honors Theses. Paper 285.
Novotney, A. (2017, February). A growing wave of online therapy. Monitor on Psychology, 48(2). http://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/02/online-therapy
Barak, A., Hen, L., Boniel-Nissim, M., & Shapira, N. A. (2008). A comprehensive review and a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of internet-based psychotherapeutic interventions. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 26(2-4), 109-160.
BetterHelp Editorial Team. (2024, February 21). BetterHelp customer service: Quick answers to your questions. Retrieved from: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/general/betterhelp-customer-service-quick-answers-to-your-questions/
Benson, N. M., & Song, Z. (2020). Prices and cost sharing for psychotherapy in network versus out of network in the United States. Health Affairs (Project Hope), 39(7), 1210–1218. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2019.01468. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8128060/
We regularly update the articles on ChoosingTherapy.com to ensure we continue to reflect scientific consensus on the topics we cover, to incorporate new research into our articles, and to better answer our audience’s questions. When our content undergoes a significant revision, we summarize the changes that were made and the date on which they occurred. We also record the authors and medical reviewers who contributed to previous versions of the article. Read more about our editorial policies here.
Author: Matthew Church, MS (No change)
Medical Reviewer: Kristen Fuller, MD (No change)
Primary Changes: Fully reviewed article and revised where necessary to improve factual accuracy, clarity, and enhanced readability. Added images to enhance guides. Improved guidance for switching BetterHelp therapists. Added tips about introductory messages.
Author: Matthew Church, MS
Medical Reviewer: Kristen Fuller, MD
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