“Scrupulosity can present as excessive interest in one’s religious or spiritual life, as in the case of Religious Scrupulosity, or a never ending effort to be the best possible person or do all the right things. However, these perceptions are motivated by fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about their religious standing, moral quality, or intrinsic character. Scrupulous individuals may exhibit outward compulsions of repetitive prayer, ritualistic washing or routines, checking with others that they did the right thing or did not do the wrong thing, or repeating activities until done “right.” The Scrupulous can also have covert, or internal, compulsions of evaluating the quality and quantity of their feelings, intention, or physical sensations, or mentally reviewing previous events or interactions to ensure their ‘purity’ or ‘rightness.’”
Kevin Foss, MFT, Founder of OLCD