Affirmations are short statements that encourage and uphold values and thoughts a person would like to maintain. Repeating affirmations regularly is a self-care ritual that can help you reprogram negative thought processes and replace them with new ideas that align more with how a person wants to experience the world. The body-related affirmations on this list will help you transform your ideas about your body over time.
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Body Positive Affirmations
No matter where you are in your life journey, ensuring your inner dialogue reflects how you desire to feel is important. Body-positive affirmations give language to some great ways to appreciate, celebrate, and love your body just the way it is. Regularly repeating the positive statements that resonate most with you can do wonders for your relationship with yourself. They help you replace negative self-talk, increase low self-esteem, and help you learn how to love yourself.
1. I am perfect, whole, and complete, just the way I am
2. I can be a good example to other women and girls (or any gender) about how to love their bodies
3. I claim the power I deserve to accept myself as I am
4. Images of my body bring me joy
5. I enjoy feeling good in my body
6. I will care for my body because it houses a precious soul
7. My body is worthy of total respect
Affirmations for a Healthy Body
It’s not uncommon to take good health for granted. It is common for people not to notice how wonderful it is to be alive in the bodies we have until a medical, physical, or other life-changing issue shifts our relationship with our bodies, and we are forced to reconcile what we once had. These affirmations will help you to claim what you desire in health or remember what you already have.
8. My body deserves proper nourishment and rest
9. I am surrounded by healing energy
10. My ideal weight is my health, not a number
11. I am a powerhouse of awesome energy
12. I eat food to nourish and celebrate my body
13. I am worthy of good health
14. I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being
15. I trust my body knows what it needs. I can trust my hunger cues and when I need to eat
Affirmations for an Aging Body
Growing older is such a beautiful part of life when we accept the changes that come and love ourselves through them. The affirmations below highlight some of the wonderful aspects of aging and ask us to reframe how we see ourselves as we grow older.
16. I love my body at every stage of its journey
17. Aging gracefully means choosing to feel beautiful all the time
18. Aging is a privilege—I welcome the lines on my face
19. My gray hair makes me look more beautiful
20. I am sexy and desirable
21. I am worth new and beautiful experiences
Affirmations for Improved Body Image
It’s so easy to focus on perceived flaws rather than your greatness in a society that encourages consumerism based on these “flaws.” Advertising begs us to spend money on things that will make us “look better” without much focus on how these ads impact our actual well-being. These affirmations focus on reframing how you see your body and refocusing on what matters.
22. I do not compare myself to others
23. When I look to others to dictate who I should be or how I should look, I reject who I am
24. I won’t let my mind bully my body
25. I won’t determine my self-worth based on my appearance
26. My body is beautiful for what it can do
27. I feel proud of how far I have come
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Health & Physical Fitness Affirmations
Some people choose to make fitness part of their health journey and enjoy moving their bodies to feel their best. Exercise can become a part of a regular self-care routine. Affirmations help anyone seeking to stay active to keep up with their goals and enjoy the process along the way.
28. I exercise to honor my body’s strength
29. I am grateful to have a sturdy and flexible body
30. I take time for self-care daily
31. The food I eat nourishes and energizes me
32. I am kind to my body
33. I make sure I get the right amount of healthy food
Self-Care Affirmations
In our busy lives, it can feel easy to neglect self-care or feel like you just don’t have the time for it. These affirmations will remind you of your worth and how much you deserve self-care. Saying them regularly will help you prioritize your well-being above all else. Afterall, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
34. I am worthy of the time I take to practice self-care
35. I care for myself with love, as I do for my child or best friend
36. Taking care of myself is my first responsibility
37. I am the only self I have, so I’d best take good care of myself
38. It’s easy to be kind to myself when I’m kind to others
39. I welcome and appreciate all of my emotions
40. I am calm and peaceful when I take good care of myself
Body Gratitude Affirmations
Being grateful for your body requires recognizing what it allows you to experience. Your body is a home through which you experience the world, and it protects you as much as it helps you to enjoy life. These remind us of the things to relish in our bodies with some affirmations that are customizable for you to insert the things that bring you joy.
41. I don’t have to feel positive about my body to appreciate everything it does for me
42. Thank you, body, for taking care of me today
43. I can have a challenging body image moment and still show up for my body by [insert the ways you take care of your body]
44. My body is my home; I will build it up, not tear it down
45. I’m grateful for my [insert body part] has allowed me to [insert what it has done for you]
Functional Body Affirmations
For people who experience body image issues, it can be helpful to focus on the function of bodies rather than what they look like. Our bodies not only allow us to experience the world around us, but they carry us from points A to B, protect our vital organs, and allow us to be the individuals we are, even in group settings. Use these affirmations to remind you how cool your body’s functions are.
46. Belly, thank you for helping me digest
47. All my body parts work together like a fine-tuned instrument
48. Thighs, thank you for carrying me to where I want to go
49. Skin, thank you for protecting me
50. Body, if you can love me for who I am, I promise to love you for who you are
51. My arms and body allow me to embrace my children when they need me
52. My body takes me places
53. My brain is my sexiest body part
54. My body/belly grew, carried, and nourished my children
Continue Your Self-Improvement Journey With Therapy
While they help, affirmations are not a substitute for professional help when dealing with low self-worth or self-esteem. Body image issues can transform into other issues if left uncontrolled. If you or a loved one is having trouble with your body image, please seek professional help from a therapist. You can find a therapist using our online therapist directory to get started toward a more positive relationship with your body.
Additional Resources
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