You’ve made it to high school graduation. Quite likely, you’re experiencing a mix of positive and difficult feelings. Some may feel higher levels of anxiety or depression after graduating from high school. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and having difficulty coping and managing your regular responsibilities and activities, it’s probably time to reach out for help.
Charlie Health - Therapy Once Per Week Isn’t Always Enough
Charlie Health’s virtual mental health program includes curated groups, individual therapy, and family therapy for teens and adults with serious mental health issues. Insurance accepted. Learn More
What Causes Post-Graduation Depression & Anxiety?
Upon high school graduation, you are propelled into a whole new world filled with possibilities and a great deal of unknowns. Many graduates quickly realize that their hard-earned diploma doesn’t fully prepare them for the next step: independent, adult living. New challenges await, and you might worry that you’re not prepared for them.
Experiencing anxiety and depression during this important time of your life is not uncommon.1 The form of anxiety one expereinces upon graduation is often called completion anxiety. Several factors contribute to both anxiety and depression as you make the transition into independent adulthood:
Uncertainty About the Future
This transition is exciting and can be full of positive potential. It can also be overshadowed by the unknown. Uncertainties about the future can cause significant, sometimes paralyzing, distress and anxiety.2 That feeling of “Now what?” can stop you in your tracks. Confusion about next steps, whether you can afford independent living, and who will be part of your next stage is exacerbated by an abrupt routine change.
Lack of Structure & Guidance
The structure and schedules you followed for the first 17 or 18 years of your life have suddenly disappeared, leaving you more self-reliant than ever. This can bring a sense of overwhelm and vulnerability that contributes to depression and anxiety.1
Relationship Changes
Many high school graduates experience a big change in relationships. Whether you’re headed to college or into the workforce, you and many of your friends part ways, often to different towns or states. You might leave home for the first time in your life, and your parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors can’t come with you. This can feel like a huge loss and sometimes leads to separation anxiety and homesickness in college.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety isn’t just for young children; it can happen to anyone.3 Life stressors and transitions like graduation cause separation anxiety.4, 5 Feeling a sense of loss and mourning your “old” life can make it difficult to adjust to your new situation. Even when you feel positive about new independence, it’s normal to develop anxiety and/or depression as you get used to your circumstances.
Others’ Unrealistic Expectations
You’ll undoubtedly receive lots of handshakes and well-wishes for reaching your milestone, and with them is the inevitable question, “What are you going to do with your life?” This well-meaning question is loaded with expectations, often unrealistic, that can make you feel pressured and anxious.
Self-doubt often creeps in (or barges in with a battering ram). Expectations for success might come from friends, family, or others in your life, and they might also come from within. High expectations can be motivating, but they can bring a fear of failure and a sense of shame at the thought of not meeting them.
Signs & Symptoms of High School Graduation Depression & Anxiety
High school graduates often experience a very real collection of anxiety and depression symptoms as a new chapter in life begins. These mental health challenges can range from mild experiences to more severe mental health disorders.
General signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression include:
- Sensing a lack of control over your future
- Feeling unsupported, alone as you venture ahead
- Fear of failure
- Sleep problems
- Irritability
- Avoidance behavior
These and other symptoms of depression and anxiety might occur just before or immediately after graduation, or they might begin a few months after graduation once the initial positive feelings have worn off and you’re attempting to create new routines and settle successfully into your new stage of life.
Depression vs. Sadness From a Complicated Transition
When you’re feeling grief or sadness over the loss of routine and relationships—including feeling homesick if you’ve moved out of your childhood home—it’s natural to feel down. After all, it’s a difficult transition. Many people feeling down or low in this way will be able to experience relief of these feelings after a short time (from a few hours to a few days) after having time to reflect, talk, or cry.
But when you’re feeling sad or down for more than a few days and are unable to find relief, your feelings may cross into depression vs. sadness. If your depressed feelings are strong enough to complicate your life and rob you of the joys of your new independence, we may no longer be talking about challenges with your transition, but clinical depression.
Depression symptoms can include:3
- Depressed, low, sad mood most of every day
- Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
- Appetite changes and/or unintended weight loss or gain (more than five percent of your body weight in a month)
- Sleep problems, either sleeping too much or too little
- Feeling agitated and keyed up or lethargic and slowed down (this is felt by you and observed by others)
- Fatigue, lack of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
- Difficulty thinking, concentrating, and making decisions
- Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, or self-harm
Anxiety vs. Nervousness About a Big Transition
Graduating from high school can be stressful. The uncertainties and expectations that the transition brings can cause excessive worries and fears that disrupt your life. Experiencing “transition nerves,” or stress and worry caused by this major life change, is extremely common. Many people experience anxiety as they adjust to their new life. For some, the anxiety is so intense or lasts for a long time. When this happens, it’s called an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety symptoms & signs might include:
- Excessive worries about several events or activities
- Difficulty controlling the worry
- Feeling restless, on edge
- Becoming fatigued easily
- Difficulty focusing or contracting or the mind going blank
- Irritability
- Tension
- Difficulty sleeping
In separation anxiety disorder, symptoms are similar; however, the worry and fear is centered on being apart from loved ones or losing loved ones. This anxiety can cause nightmares or make it difficult for someone to be apart from their loved ones for even short periods of time.
Anxiety can also make you feel physically ill. It can cause physical symptoms such as digestive troubles, increased heart rate, breathing difficulties, sweating, trembling, and headaches.6
Popular Options For Teen Mental Health
Talkspace – Online Therapy For Teens. A space for your teen to talk about what’s going on, develop coping skills, and start feeling better. Covered by most major insurance plans. Talkspace also accepts Medicare in some states. The average copay is $15, but many people pay $0. Get Started
Charlie Health – Therapy Once Per Week Isn’t Always Enough. Charlie Health’s virtual intensive mental health program includes curated groups, individual therapy, and family therapy for teens and adults with serious mental health issues. Insurance accepted. Learn More
Equip – Eating Disorder Treatment That Works – Delivered At Home. Are you worried that your child has an eating disorder? With the right treatment, lasting recovery is 100% possible. Equip offers virtual evidence-based care, so you can help your loved one recover at home. We take insurance! Get a Consultation
How to Cope With Post-Graduate Depression & Anxiety
Dealing with depression and/or anxiety about high school graduation and moving into the next stage of your life can make this a very challenging time. The good news is that no matter how extreme they feel right now, they don’t have to be permanent. Because they’re natural reactions to a time of big changes, you can cope with them and move forward into an exciting new life.
Finding and maintaining social support and taking purposeful action steps toward a goal are key factors in overcoming mental health challenges and stress during your transition into adulthood.10 You can use this knowledge to your advantage to take charge of your mental health and wellbeing as you move from high school into young adulthood.
Here are six tips for coping with high school graduation depression and anxiety:
1. Stay Connected
Keep regular communication with high school friends to maintain your support network. Even if you’re no longer in the same community, make it a point to text, chat, or connect via video platforms a few times a week at first. Also know that it’s normal for friendships to shift and change, and you might find that your contact gradually decreases as you make new connections.
2. Form New Connections
Make yourself visible wherever you go. If you’re in a new job, socialize during breaks rather than avoiding new people. If you go to college, sit near others in class, and hang out in common areas. Get to know new people, and be active with those who you like.
3. Maintain & Identify New Interests
While the extracurricular activities of high school have ended, your interests haven’t. There’s a new world of opportunities for you to be involved in. Join campus organizations, clubs, or intramural sports. Look into community centers and groups. Searching sites like MeetUp can help you find ways to stay active and follow your passions.
4. Forge Your Direction
Create a plan of action for the next six months of your life. It can be helpful to begin this well before graduation, but it’s never too late. Describe your goals, make a realistic budget, and include action steps (e.g., searching for an apartment, listing references, etc.). Don’t forget to have your greater purpose in mind. This is as important as the details.
5. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of paying complete attention to each moment you’re in. Use your senses to focus on what is going on around you. This helps you pull away from anxious thoughts and your negative feelings to embrace the good in each moment.
6. Enlist the Help of a Therapist
A therapist can help you process problems and plan for a positive future. While anxiety and depression can zap your energy and make you want to avoid the world, staying active and connected will help you overcome these challenges.
5 Coping Strategies to Avoid
Anxiety and depression associated with high school graduation are disruptive. You might be willing to do almost anything to reduce them. While it’s healthy to want to do things to minimize your depression and anxiety symptoms, certain coping strategies end up increasing symptoms, further interfering in your healthy, independent, adult life.
Here are five unhealthy coping strategies to avoid:
- Unhealthy eating habits: overeating, eating a lot of unhealthy “comfort” foods instead of nutritious foods, or avoiding food altogether because of lack of appetite negatively affect your physical and mental health and make it harder to fight stress7
- Substance use: alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, nicotine, caffeine, and illicit drugs3
- Emotional spending: spending a lot of money on things not related to your life goals can prevent you from living independently, going to college, or other things you will enjoy when your anxiety and depression are no longer interfering8
- Procrastination and avoidance: putting off or completely avoiding tasks like finding a job, applying for college, securing a place to live, filling out scholarship applications might help keep worries at bay, but in the long run they’ll create more anxiety and stress as you scramble to put these in place9
- Social withdrawal: withdrawing from friends and loved ones and isolating removes you from your support system, prevents you from enjoying activities, and can increase symptoms of depression and anxiety
If you’re stuck in unhealthy coping strategies or if you find that even with your healthy coping skills you’re struggling to adjust to post-high school life, you might consider how to find a therapist as a young adult.
Charlie Health - Therapy Once Per Week Isn’t Always Enough
Charlie Health’s virtual mental health program includes curated groups, individual therapy, and family therapy for teens and adults with serious mental health issues. Insurance accepted. Learn More
How to Find Help For Depression & Anxiety
Support is crucial, and connecting with friends and family can be helpful. Sometimes, though, casual support, while it’s caring and useful, isn’t enough. If you are feeling highly anxious or very depressed, are having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, it is vital to reach out for professional help.
Here are ways to find someone to talk to:
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: if you are having thoughts of ending your life, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255 or chat with someone on their website.
- Talk to a therapist in person: talking face-to-face with a mental health professional can help you overcome anxiety and depression and learn tools to use as you transition into adulthood. Ask your doctor for a referral or find names of therapists in community centers, hospitals, or mental health organizations (these places often have information about low-cost options). You can also use an online therapist directory to find therapists near you.
- Try video or online therapy: working with a therapist online can offer the same benefits as in-person therapy. Some people find it more convenient.
- Talk to a member of the clergy: many spiritual and religious leaders offer counseling services. If you belong to a religious community, you might consider talking to someone there.
Therapy can be expensive, but it is often covered by health insurance for mental health. Often, parents’ insurance companies cover children, teens, and young adults until age 25. When you call or go online for an appointment, present your insurance card and they’ll check for you to see if their services are covered.
You can also call the phone number or visit the website printed on the back of the card to see if you’re covered and what mental health services are part of the plan. Some employers offer a few free therapy sessions to employees and their families. These are called employee assistance programs, or EAPs. Ask your parent or guardian if they have an EAP and how to access it.
If you are already seeing a therapist and are leaving the state for college, ask him/her if they are licensed in the state you’re attending school. Even if they’re not, you might be able to continue services because of your status as a student. If you can’t, your therapist might be able to refer you to someone new.
It can sometimes require a bit of work upfront to find a therapist and sort out insurance, but it’s worth the effort. It’s a small investment in the quality of your life.
How Can Parents Help With Post-Graduation Depression & Anxiety?
Parents and guardians suffer along with their children and teens when they struggle. Your child may now be a young adult and leaving high school for college or work, but he or she still needs you.
Here are some ways to help someone with anxiety, specifically your kids and teens:
Remember Their Age
Ways you helped in the past might not be helpful now. They are moving into a new stage of independence and may resist your efforts to tell them what to do or do things for them.1 Make suggestions and then back away to give them time to decide what to do.
Listening to their thoughts and feelings is more helpful than finding solutions for them. Often, young adults need to verbalize their problems to a supportive parent or other adult. Feeling heard often reduces stress and lets them process their problems.
Remind Them of Who They Are
When engulfed in thoughts and feelings of depression and anxiety, people of all ages often lose sight of themselves in the context of the bigger picture. Remind them of their strengths, brainstorm past challenges and how they overcame them, and help them explore their purpose. Helping them identify things that are meaningful to them can lead them to action.
Helping your child with depression or anxiety is stressful. If you find that you are struggling with your own thoughts and emotions or feel frustrated and want to seek tools to help you help your son or daughter, working with a therapist might be very beneficial. Helping yourself will help you be there for your young adult, and in doing so, you’ll model positive, effective self-care behaviors.
Final Thoughts On How to Deal With High School Graduation Depression & Anxiety
High school graduation brings many changes. Some are exciting and positive, while others prove to be difficult. Struggling with anxiety or depression during this time of transition is natural. Know that it is temporary. You can take charge of your wellbeing and move forward with purpose and positivity.
Additional Resources
To help our readers take the next step in their mental health journey, Choosing Therapy has partnered with leaders in mental health and wellness. Choosing Therapy is compensated for marketing by the companies included below.
Neurological Testing
Neuropsychological Testing For Children (including evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and Learning Disorders) Get answers in weeks, not months. Bend Health provides a complete report with in-depth findings, review with your schools, and a clinical diagnosis (if applicable). Learn more
Online Therapy & Coaching (ages 1 -17)
Bend Health is a virtual mental healthcare provider caring for kids, teens, and their families. Many insurance plans are accepted. Learn More
Online Therapy
TeenCounseling (ages 13 -19) – Help your child thrive with professional counseling. Get matched with a licensed therapist who specializes in teens. Discuss your child’s issues and situation. When you approve, the therapist is connected with your child. The therapist interacts with your child over text, phone, and video. Starting for as little as $65 per week. Get Started
DBT-Focused Therapy For Teens
Charlie Health’s virtual intensive mental health program includes curated groups, individual therapy, and family therapy for teens and adults with serious mental health issues. Insurance accepted. Learn More
Eating Disorders and Teenagers
Equip – Worried your child might have an eating disorder? It can be overwhelming when your child is showing eating disorder red flags, but you can help. In fact, your help may be critical to getting them the right treatment. Learn more about the signs of eating disorders and what to do if you’re concerned. Explore Equip’s free guide.
Best Options for Online Therapy for Teens
With so many truly amazing online therapy options for teens, choosing one can be difficult. Some of the most important factors to consider before selecting a company are your budget, who takes your insurance, which ones can answer your questions, and most importantly, who your teen likes the best. Supporting and listening to your teen is crucial for a successful therapy experience.
Best Online Therapy Services
There are a number of factors to consider when trying to determine which online therapy platform is going to be the best fit for you. It’s important to be mindful of what each platform costs, the services they provide you with, their providers’ training and level of expertise, and several other important criteria.