Laurie Hollman PhD

Licensing & Certifications:

  • LCSW, NY State
  • Certificate in Infant-Parent Psychotherapy

Professional Background

Laurie Hollman, PhD, is a psychoanalyst with specialized clinical training in infant-parent, child, adolescent, and adult psychotherapy. She is an expert on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which is elaborately illustrated in her captivating book, Are You Living with a Narcissist? How Narcissistic Men Impact Your Happiness, How to Identify Them, and How to Avoid Raising Them. Her work has also been published in international scholarly journals such as The International Journal of Infant Observation and The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.

She is an authority on modern parent-child relationships and is an award-winning author who has published seven books. She has been on the faculties of New York University and the Society for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, among others.

In addition to writing for, Laurie Hollman’s expertise has been featured in The Social Work Psychoanalyst’s Casebook, The Inner World of the Mother, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Upjourney, Fatherly, Mind Body Green, Active Family Magazine, Good Housekeeper, Bustle Lifestyle, Newsweek, Salon, Mom’s Magazine, Yahoo Life, Popsugar, Twinkl, Tiny Transitions, Romper, Verywell Family, Verywell Mind, Adelaide Magazine, Beyond Words Magazine.

She also appeared in radio shows like So Much with So Little Time; The Michael Dresser Show; The Changing Behavior Network Live, Global Radio Guest Show, Parent Nation Radio, The Julia Sherwin Show—WCHE Radio; Hit Chat Café, WBEL Radio; At Home with Cheryl and Sam; Rock House Style; Conversations; Health Professional Radio, Vertical Internet Radio, This Needs to be Said Media, The Larry Stevenson Show, World Wide Radio Network, Unbreakable Women, Starcom Radio Network, Sirius XM Radio, Cana Play Radio

Professional Affiliations:

New York Institute of Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR)
Society of Psychoanalytic Study and Research, New York (SPSR)


Ph.D. Clinical Social Work with a Specialty in Children and Adolescents, New York University
Anni Bergmann Infant-Psychotherapy Program, NYC, New York
Society for Psychoanalytic Study and Research Psychoanalysis Program
Society for Psychoanalytic Study and Research Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program

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Areas of Focus

Laurie Hollman, an accomplished psychoanalyst, offers expert insight into child development, parenting dynamics, and the complexities of narcissism. With a wealth of experience and a focus on nurturing healthy relationships, she empowers individuals and families to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and understanding.

Laurie Hollman utilizes a number of therapeutic approaches, including:

  • Child development
  • Parenting
  • Self-esteem
  • Psychology of women
  • Infancy
  • Adolescence
  • Stages of adulthood
  • Narcissism
  • Couples therapy
  • Family therapy
  • The psychology of leadership and power
  • Parent alienation syndrome
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“Scrupulosity can present as excessive interest in one’s religious or spiritual life, as in the case of Religious Scrupulosity, or a never ending effort to be the best possible person or do all the right things. However, these perceptions are motivated by fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about their religious standing, moral quality, or intrinsic character. Scrupulous individuals may exhibit outward compulsions of repetitive prayer, ritualistic washing or routines, checking with others that they did the right thing or did not do the wrong thing, or repeating activities until done “right.” The Scrupulous can also have covert, or internal, compulsions of evaluating the quality and quantity of their feelings, intention, or physical sensations, or mentally reviewing previous events or interactions to ensure their ‘purity’ or ‘rightness.’”

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