We used Brightside and BetterHelp to see which one comes out on top. For most people, Brightside is the winner, thanks to its insurance acceptance and full range of services, including medication management. BetterHelp, on the other hand, works well for those without insurance or those paying out-of-pocket for therapy.
Would You Like to Try Therapy?
BetterHelp has over 30,000 licensed therapists who provide convenient and affordable online therapy. BetterHelp starts at $65 per week and is FSA/HSA eligible by most providers. Take a free online assessment and get matched with the right therapist for you.
Compare Brightside Vs. BetterHelp
Services | Therapy, Medication, Crisis Management | Therapy |
Price | $95 – $349 monthly | $260 - $360 monthly |
Locations Available | All 50 US States | US & International |
Insurance? | ||
Medication? | ||
Financial |
Services | |
Therapy, Medication, Crisis Management | Therapy |
Price | |
$95 – $349 monthly | $260 - $360 monthly |
Locations Available | |
All 50 US States | US & International |
Insurance? | |
Medication? | |
Financial | |
Why We Recommend Brightside for Most People
Brightside accepts insurance and offers more options for payment plans, making it potentially more affordable.
Brightside offers medication management whereas BetterHelp only offers therapy.
Brightside’s wider array of services and acceptance of many insurance plans make it a better option than BetterHelp for most people.
Detailed Breakdown
Here are the major differences between BetterHelp and Brightside Health.
Brightside is an all-in-one online mental health platform that offers therapy, medication management, and crisis care. With its wide array of care options and acceptance of many insurance plans, it’s an ideal option for online mental healthcare.
Pros & Cons
- Accepts many insurance plans
- Offers therapy and medication management
- Offers care for people as young as 13
- Not as many therapists as BetterHelp
Brightside Health costs range from $95 – $349 monthly, depending on the services you need. Brightside Health also accepts many insurance plans.
Brightside Health offers three subscriptions for cash-pay members:
- Psychiatry ($95 monthly) – initial consultation with a psychiatrist and ongoing monthly care.
- Therapy ($299 monthly) – weekly therapy sessions via live video
- Psychiatry + Therapy ($349 monthly) – both plans combined
Brightside Vs. BetterHelp on Cost
Compared to BetterHelp, Brightside often comes out more affordable, even for cash-pay. BetterHelp’s price varies within a range of $260 – $360 monthly for weekly therapy sessions, so Brightside’s most expensive plan comes in just below the high side of that range. If your local price at BetterHelp is $360, you can probably get more value out of Brightside.
To see if Brightside is right for you, visit our full Brightside Health review.
Brightside Health is an online mental healthcare company that offers virtual therapy, psychiatry, and crisis care to people ages 13+ nationwide. Brightside costs $95 – $349 monthly, depending on the care you need, and accepts many insurance plans.
Based on what we saw in our review of Brightside, the platform is well-designed and offers high-quality care. Compared to other providers of its kind, Brightside offers a ton of value for the money – having the ability to bundle therapy and psychiatry into one plan is a huge benefit.
BetterHelp makes online therapy simple and stress-free. With a network of over 30,000 therapists and an affordable pricing system, it’s a top choice for anyone seeking fast, convenient, cash-pay therapy.
Pros & Cons
- Huge selection of 30k+ therapists
- Offers financial aid to help cut costs
- Doesn’t accept insurance
- Doesn’t offer medication management
BetterHelp costs between $260 and $360 monthly (advertised as $65 to $90 weekly), depending on your location and the availability of therapists nearby. This price includes weekly therapy sessions, access to BetterHelp’s extra resources, and a weekly group webinar. However, BetterHelp does not accept insurance at all. If you prefer to pay by individual sessions, they are available at $110 each.
BetterHelp vs. Grow Therapy on Cost
If BetterHelp’s prices in your area are on the lower end or you qualify for its financial assistance program, it may be the more affordable choice for therapy. However, if you’re planning to use insurance, Grow Therapy could save you more—so it’s worth checking if Grow Therapy is in-network for you.
Want to know more? Read our in-depth BetterHelp review to help you decide.
BetterHelp is an online therapy platform that offers virtual therapy sessions to anyone age 18+ across the US. BetterHelp also offers teen and couples therapy through its subsidiaries. BetterHelp costs range from $260 – $360 monthly for weekly therapy sessions. While it doesn’t accept insurance, BetterHelp does have a financial aid program to help cut costs by 10% – 40%.
When I used BetterHelp, I thought it was best suited to people seeking an easy option for therapy on a cash-pay basis. However, if you need medication management or have other options through insurance, there are better options available.
Learn more in our full BetterHelp review.
Other Alternatives to Consider
Brightside and BetterHelp are both top options to consider. Groups seeking comprehensive psychiatric care or specialty services, such as ADHD care or substance abuse recovery, may want to seek other options.
Alternatives for Psychiatric Care
While Brightside handles medication management, other services like Talkiatry offer more in-depth psychiatric care. Talkiatry creates individualized plans and can prescribe controlled medications, but it only works with in-network insurance and doesn’t accept cash-pay.
Visit our full Talkiatry review for more details. See more options in our list of the best online psychiatry services.
Alternatives for ADHD Care
BetterHelp and Brightside don’t diagnose ADHD or prescribe controlled medications like Adderall, making them the less effective platforms for ADHD treatment. For specialized ADHD care, look to Klarity, Talkiatry, or Circle Medical instead. Find more options on our list of the best online ADHD treatments.
Alternatives for OCD Treatment
BetterHelp and Brightside can both work for treating OCD, but there’s one service that’s specifically designed for it. NOCD stands out as the top choice for treating OCD and its variants.
Alternatives for Substance Abuse Treatment
BetterHelp and Brightside aren’t ideal for treating alcoholism or substance use disorder (SUD). For specialized care, try WorkIt Health or Sunnyside. If you’re looking for lighter support, check out some of the best mindful drinking apps.
Final Verdict: Which Is Better?
Choosing Therapy strives to provide our readers with mental health content that is accurate and actionable. We have high standards for what can be cited within our articles. Acceptable sources include government agencies, universities and colleges, scholarly journals, industry and professional associations, and other high-integrity sources of mental health journalism. Learn more by reviewing our full editorial policy.
Church, Matthew. (2024, Oct. 3). “Brightside Health Review 2024: My firsthand Experience.” https://www.choosingtherapy.com/brightside-health-review/
Church, Matthew. (2024, Aug. 26). “BetterHelp Review 2024: Cost, Pros & Cons, & My Experience.” https://www.choosingtherapy.com/betterhelp-review/
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Top Rated Online Therapy Services
BetterHelp – Best Overall
“BetterHelp is an online therapy platform that quickly connects you with a licensed counselor or therapist and earned 4 out of 5 stars.” Take a free assessment
Online-Therapy.com – Great Alternative
In addition to therapy, all Online-Therapy subscriptions include a self-guided CBT course. Visit Online-Therapy.com
Additional Resources
To help our readers take the next step in their mental health journey, Choosing Therapy has partnered with leaders in mental health and wellness. Choosing Therapy is compensated for marketing by the companies included below.
Online Therapy
BetterHelp Get support and guidance from a licensed therapist. BetterHelp has over 30,000 therapists, who provide convenient and affordable online therapy. BetterHelp starts at $65 per week and is FSA/HSA eligible by most providers. Take a Free Online Assessment and get matched with the right therapist for you. Take free assessment
Psychiatry, with You in Mind
Talkiatry Our psychiatrists can diagnose your condition, prescribe medication, and monitor your progress. Most psychiatry visits cost patients $30 or less* Free Assessment
Drinking Moderation
Sunnyside Want to drink less? Sunnyside helps you ease into mindful drinking at your own pace. Think lifestyle change, not a fad diet. Develop new daily routines, so you maintain your new habits for life. Take a 3 Minute Quiz
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OurRelationship (Free Couples Course) OurRelationship has been proven to help couples improve communication, intimacy, and trust. 94% would recommend it to a friend. Get Started
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*Includes copayment, deductible, coinsurance, and $0 Visits. Excludes no shows.
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